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Injection Reflection

We are deep into summer now and there is a big heat wave in the Northeast this week, so that's exciting. While we're at...


Congrats to Tool on all the free mainstream publicity.


From the coming Rock & Roll Road Trip With Sammy Hagar episode.

Earnings & Attendance

How much money does a band make on the road? Billboard hopes to answer that question, somewhat, by providing gross sale reports in their...


Tool is making their way across Europe for summer rock festival season, and they kicked things off in Berlin on June 2nd. New footage...

Shocking Revelations

What would've TOOL sounded like without this encounter.

Injection Reflection

May is in full effect and this week seems like it belonged to Tool. The band finally played some new music live and they...


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past....

Live Footage

On Sunday, Tool gave fans what they've wanted for over a decade – new music. Some were very happy, some were instantly disappointed and...

Injection Reflection

Holy crap, it's May already! When did that happen? Here's what you missed this week: Adam Jones Teases New TOOL Riff; Maynard Teases Band...

It's Just Business

Could we be getting a new Tool song tomorrow?

Tour Dates

Lamb of God, Marilyn Manson, Ho99o9, Health, Gojira and more will be there too.


Tool's debut album, Undertow, was released 26 years ago today, April 6th, 1993. In celebration we're counting down 26 interesting facts you may not...

Injection Reflection

It's WrestleMania weekend, and there's a ton of metal news this week. While you watch all the hurracanranas and topés, here is what you...