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Search results for "tool"

Around the Interwebs

Halloween is the most metal holiday of the year (Easter is second), so naturally, metalheads out on the road like to have some fun...

Tour Dates

Does this mean we can finally hear new Tool by next summer?

Injection Reflection

There was almost zero sunlight in New York City this week – which meant I listened to a lot of Opeth. Here's what you...

Upcoming Releases

The vocal tracking is the final step in the recording process!

Danny Carey used to tour with Primus, so it seems any chance he gets to jam with the dudes, he'll take it. He's filled...

Shocking Revelations

An anonymous Twitter user accused Maynard of raping her when she was 17 in 2000. Maynard denies the allegations.

Upcoming Releases

Tool have been taking their sweet time recording the follow up to 2006's 10,000 Days, entering the studio in March, and only completing drum tracking about a month...

Injection Reflection

It's the weekend and I'm gearing up to watch the Battle of the Super Juniors. If you don't know what that means just enjoy...

Upcoming Releases

Another phase of the new album is complete.

Shocking Revelations

"I wanted to do the Tool record. I had to make a choice, so I turned Prince down. I knew Tool was an important...


By far the cleanest version we've heard of the song yet.

Upcoming Releases

Tool know how to keep their fans on the edge of their seats.

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"I felt like if I was to go back and I do another Puscifer record, someone was gonna sneak into my bedroom and slit...

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"Chat with Tool about anything now that you will be among the very few people that ever have the opportunity to do so"

Tour Dates

Sounds like a fun time for die hard fans who want some top musician tips.

Injection Reflection

It's WrestleMania weekend, make sure to take a listen to the WrestleMania preview episode of our podcast. I'm gonna be watching a lot of...

Upcoming Releases

Emphasis on tease