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Search results for "ape"


Wilderun becomes more characteristic and commendable, carving out their own vital place within their stylistic landscape.


"Aquilus makes up for time spent away by hitting harder when it counts most, and doubling down on its eccentricities."


"It's raw, yet unabashedly refined at the same time. Frankly, this might be Lock Up's best recorded work in their twenty plus years of...


"Moonflowers is less expansive and unpredictable than its predecessor, yes, but it's also more focused and selective. In other words, it feels more poised...


"This is Obscura standing more unencumbered and iconoclastically as they push the quality of their own work."


"Noktvrn is not your traditional black metal record, but fans of the genre will find so much in it to satisfy them."


"This gears Live in North America more towards completionists and those who are really, really going to miss Mullen."


"On Diorama the band have pushed themselves further, and answered a question I didn't even know I had: can black metal be hopeful? Can...


"Moss Grew On The Swords And Plowshares Alike epitomizes why Kayo Dot remains a laudable one-of-a-kind project."


"Mixing and mastering qualms aside, Lutharo have arrived with one of the most thrilling metal records of 2021."


"The album is a grandiose, 70s revival that would make our metal ancestors proud."


"This album’s balance of technical brutality, haunting ritualism and inexplicable catchiness can’t be replicated.."


"While my overall feelings towards this album are lukewarm, there are also several pieces on here that could be fun additions to their live...


"There's no 'have patience with it' on this record. You hit play and you disappear from where you currently are with only ashes in...


As strange and psychedelic as you would expect for an Enslaved and Ulver side project.


The Work is by far the group’s most cohesive, ambitious, meditative, and varied effort, with greater uses of philosophical significance and transcendental respites.


Vessel and company cast out a wide new on their sophomore album. This Place Will Become Your Tomb doesn’t have the same post-rock sheen...


"While most of the Bay Area thrash scene are rapidly approaching their final bows, Metallica just keep on getting bigger. Rock on, guys. You...


Not to harp on recent governmental moves towards regressive fundamentalism, but does this now mean that these (sorta) Belgian death metal greybeards aren’t allowed...


"There's some serious bangers and exploration here."


Music that we really connect with and always spin every year is a rare thing. Usually, you’ll grow tired of a release after a...


Hooded Menace heap conglomerate stacks of sound straight outta a pair of sock-stuffed spandex, drawing from the Sunset Strip as much as it does...


As a whole, this split provides a nexus of creativity that no one could find anywhere else.