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Search results for "ape"


"While The Spirit is a band that writes some lyrics that are quite profound, they are fully capable of crafting songs with them."


"Dystopia fits in nicely with the post-metalcore wave, but Caliban still calls back to the many eras of heavy music they’ve partook in."


"It's Time... To Rise from the Grave is one of the best death metal records I've heard so far in 2022."


The legendary Udo Dirkschneider covers songs ranging from AC/DC to Frank Sinatra on My Way.


"The Hellacopters clearly still like what they do, and have the means to do what they like."


"Parrhesia is an extremely enjoyable and exemplary—if also fairly familiar—addition to Animals as Leaders' catalog."


"Here's the thing with Abbath – you essentially know what to expect, but then you listen to the record and you're smacked with surprise...


"The variable array of challenges and complexities seem to have brought the band to where they are with Hollow Void."


"When you put it all together, this is Dark Funeral's greatest record to date.The strength is in the diversity of compositions."


"While they aren't the first band to cross world music with doom, Messa managed to do it without sounding like they had to."


"Impera is undoubtedly a huge step up from Prequelle if not one of Ghost's best collections period."


"Vein.fm have raised the bar for any industrial hardcore that comes out in 2022."


"Enemy of Love has a dark alchemy that brings out the best in both bands."


On the The Long Road North, Sweden’s undisputed gods of post-metal, Cult of Luna, release a superb album that is more mature, nuanced and...


"Krüller shows a human side of Tristan Shone, more right side of the brain, and an openness to more perspective."


"While Rolo Tomassi isn't the first mathcore bands to try post-rock on for size, they've achieved a particularly natural bridge between the two genres."


"Erebos is a blood-boiling rampage of an album, with thoughtful scaffoldings to separate Venom Prison from the pack."


"TLTSOL is the sound of a band attempting to transcend the turning of tides within their scene."


"Boris super-fans will continue to experience the breadth of the trio's journey and worship accordingly. People who find that minimalism doesn't push enough air...


"Enterprise Earth fans are going to really enjoy this album and Dan Watson continues to grow as a vocalist in terms of both his...


"While it still technically falls under the blackened deathcore umbrella, Ritual Hymns finds Worm Shepherd proving how versatile this micro-genre can be."


"Bands like Shadow Of Intent give us hope for the future. They are completely past the era of petty genre bickering and proudly wear...