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Search results for "ape"


Blue Ă–yster Cult, the iconic New York rock band, has been going strong since the late '60s and quickly grew into one of the...


Ether Coven harnesses a sound that fuses metalcore, doom, sludge, and progressive elements. Truth be told, the end result is almost exactly what one...


Hailing from the “wheat-and-rust landscape” of the Cuyahoga River in Ohio, neofolk duo Osi and the Jupiter have accomplished a lot since starting in...


Mysterious sounds abound on the reissue of (0)'s debut EP


Blood Incantation has outdone themselves in every regard. Sit back, strap in and be crushed by the vacuum of space.


An Embarrassment of Riches is a towering achievement not only for The Night Watch, but for the instrumental progressive metal subgenre as a whole.


For listeners looking for raw, melodic and imaginative black metal, Obsequiae's new album nothing short of a sublime sonic experience.


Esoteric has raised a bar and set a standard that other acts should strive for. A modern Greek tragedy told in six parts, it's...


Pitfalls extends beyond most music to educate, empathize, and entertain in equal measure.


France's Alcest represents a rare point of inflection in heavy metal. The solo project of Neige began around the turn of the century as a raw...


Ukraine's finest tackle some big-picture topics...


It's blasphemous, it's twisted and its utterly unrepentant. Profanatica are back for your skull once again!


Antagonist is one of those super talented bands with a ton of potential, that unfortunately somehow just flew under the radar of the metalcore...


The kawaii-metal superstars have a world of surprises in store...


Heart Like a Grave satisfies on all fronts, combining many robust bits of heavenly despair and unrestrained outrage into some of the most awe-inspiring,...


You may not have heard of them, but these Finns just cut one of the year's best albums.


As with its predecessors, The Infinite Loop doesn’t rewrite the rules as much as it finds Sifting advancing their characteristics in every way.


Hembree & The Satan Sisters have one clear message in their debut album. One that is repeated from start to finish, with vigor and...


Dusty skulls. White lichen eroding tomb walls. Water dripping through limestone. Much death metal evokes the bleeding immediacy of death, but the genre also...


Black metal and the works of Friedrich Nietzche share a profound sense of awe and grandeur at the natural world, and a refusal to...


Just how much atmosphere does it take to make good atmospheric black metal? It turns out it doesn't really matter as long as the...


Socially conscious in a decade known for excess and decadence, the band held a mirror up to the darker side of the American dream....


The symphonic/power metal makeup of Dawn of the Dragonstar is as rudimentary and rigid as you can envision.