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Search results for "between"


"While Rolo Tomassi isn't the first mathcore bands to try post-rock on for size, they've achieved a particularly natural bridge between the two genres."


"TLTSOL is the sound of a band attempting to transcend the turning of tides within their scene."


"Heavy Steps acts a beacon of how to bolster one's own basics and starting points so as to inject new life into one's own...


"Boris super-fans will continue to experience the breadth of the trio's journey and worship accordingly. People who find that minimalism doesn't push enough air...


"It's not often an album in this genre has such an easy replay value, and proves that atmospheric heavy music isn't relegated to double...


"While it still technically falls under the blackened deathcore umbrella, Ritual Hymns finds Worm Shepherd proving how versatile this micro-genre can be."


"Bands like Shadow Of Intent give us hope for the future. They are completely past the era of petty genre bickering and proudly wear...


"Although None But a Pure Heart Can Sing clocks in at a fairly brief 32 minutes, So Hideous ... is both vicious and refined,...


"Aquilus makes up for time spent away by hitting harder when it counts most, and doubling down on its eccentricities."


"Moonflowers is less expansive and unpredictable than its predecessor, yes, but it's also more focused and selective. In other words, it feels more poised...


"Spinning the record reveals harrowing atmospherics, a sense of grandiosity, devastating emotional weight and wrenching mood swings all woven around a diverse stanchion of...


"This is Obscura standing more unencumbered and iconoclastically as they push the quality of their own work."


"In an era of singles and playlists, Deceiver is an outlier, a cohesive collection of songs whose collective impact is stronger than any individual...


"This is death metal drenched in gore and brutality. The artwork and song titles say it all."


"Adventurousness comes in the form of an expanded exploration of their melodic side, making it at once the band's 'least' death metal but most...


"Hushed and Grim is the most mature, demanding, and emotionally resonant journey of Mastodon's career."


"The new Swedish death metal band Grand Cadaver brings together veterans of the scene for their old school debut Into the Maw of Death."


"Cradle Of Filth's 13th album might not recreate the torture rack, to put it in Cradle Of Filth terms, but it hits the target."


"However, while accessible, Silence/Motion takes a much darker turn from previous works and merits multiple listens to fully encapsulate the power held in the...


"Although I don't believe Twelve Foot Ninja have reached their full potential, they are damn close to perfection on Vengeance."


"Here, the creation is one of a mood similar to that of the best cliff hanger that's already had the viewer/reader on the edge...


"Ultimately, Classics succeeds because the quirks that makes it so hard to describe also make them a commanding presence in the genre."


As strange and psychedelic as you would expect for an Enslaved and Ulver side project.