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Search results for "between"


Singapore's kings of blackened death metal are back and they are killing it!


For those with the patience to fully submerge in the proceedings, Geist & The Sacred Ensemble appeals on a wavelength similar to Swans’ The...


What Rise Radiant lacks in breadth and variety—compared to its predecessor—it makes up for with its cohesiveness and refinement.


Monolith come all the way from South Africa where they craft ripping death metal - dive in with us!


Wailin Storms' third LP supercharges the band's genre-bending doom rock with emotive storytelling and terrifying atmosphere.


Hard to believe its been 15 years since August Burns Red released Thrill Seeker. Once the young frontrunners of metalcore, they’ve matured into one...


Often, I'm reminded of Profanatica's first interview,  a grainy VHS dispatch immortalized on the internet. The cult trio huddle around two candles, their faces smudged...


Everything is relative. Some people bag on Lars, others appreciate both his drumming and the part he’s played in advancing and maintaining metal’s relevance...


Catharsis comes in many forms, and with that, the release and expression of emotions. This is what fuels and conceives most art, and within...


Jarboe shows us that she's an artist without limitations and offers something altogether different from expectation and definition.


A nearly immaculate celebration and recreation of Ayreon's 1998 progressive metal masterpiece.


Coming out of the Mid-West, Hyborian have been a group that anyone into heavy music should be keeping tabs on. After forming in 2015,...


Anyone with an ear to the European heavy underground knows the name Lowrider. The hype language for the Swedish quartet’s years-in-the-making sophomore album Refractions...


Kindred isn’t quite as inviting as All Tree, but it's precisely because of its enhanced challenge and atypical direction that it’s so gratifying and...


What do you expect from a band called Dirt Woman? Probably not this. Five songs, three of them thirteen-plus minutes, and a colossal sound...


It only took Chris Spencer and Jim Coleman three decades to twist noise rock into a new form


Even within progressive metal, bands sometimes stagnate. It seems like a paradox; the very definition of “progressive” implies forward-thinking and ever-changing. And yet, even...


Is it black metal or is it "gutter sniping, lo-fi punk of a desperately unbalanced and astringent order"?


After almost 15 years, Blind Guardian's Hansi Kursch and Iced Earth's Jon Schaffer have collaborated on another Demons & Wizards album, III.


"Nechochwen and Panopticon sit comfortably in their sounds and use them as vehicles to tell new stories. This split is important for fans of...


Hostis Humani Generis is masterful expedition whose fusion of jokey cheer and earnest craftsmanship becomes stronger with each listen.


Prepare yourself for the jump to lightspeed.


"Aerial Ruin and Panopticon could've released both their sides of this split as standalone releases and they would've been great."