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"This is Obscura standing more unencumbered and iconoclastically as they push the quality of their own work."


"In an era of singles and playlists, Deceiver is an outlier, a cohesive collection of songs whose collective impact is stronger than any individual...


"This gears Live in North America more towards completionists and those who are really, really going to miss Mullen."


"This is death metal drenched in gore and brutality. The artwork and song titles say it all."


"On Diorama the band have pushed themselves further, and answered a question I didn't even know I had: can black metal be hopeful? Can...


"Hushed and Grim is the most mature, demanding, and emotionally resonant journey of Mastodon's career."


"Mixing and mastering qualms aside, Lutharo have arrived with one of the most thrilling metal records of 2021."


"The album is a grandiose, 70s revival that would make our metal ancestors proud."


As strange and psychedelic as you would expect for an Enslaved and Ulver side project.


The Work is by far the group’s most cohesive, ambitious, meditative, and varied effort, with greater uses of philosophical significance and transcendental respites.


"Carcass spew forth a career-defining record in Torn Arteries. It's one of their finest moments since Heartwork, and an easy contender for album of...


"Employed to Serve sounds like they’re playing the music they’ve always wanted to write, and it’s hard not to love them for it."


"While most of the Bay Area thrash scene are rapidly approaching their final bows, Metallica just keep on getting bigger. Rock on, guys. You...


Not to harp on recent governmental moves towards regressive fundamentalism, but does this now mean that these (sorta) Belgian death metal greybeards aren’t allowed...


"For nine songs, God Is Partying feels like more of an EP than a full length. Still, this record is likely to satisfy those...


"There's some serious bangers and exploration here."


Music that we really connect with and always spin every year is a rare thing. Usually, you’ll grow tired of a release after a...


How Aphelion would’ve turned out if things had gone to plan will never be known, but it’s hard to imagine it being any better...


Bombenhagel is a compact celebration of their caustic chemistry. The spoils of Sodom's long running crusade are bestowed upon all of us.


"Grit and earthiness grounds this album in its spacious atmospheres and crushingly sludgy riffs. King Woman’s kaleidoscopic take on doomgaze and ritualistic folk has...


Helloween's new self-titled album features all three vocalists from the band's history: Kai Hansen, Michael Kiske and Andi Deris.


Liquid Tension Experiment 3 is a remarkable return for one of progressive metal’s greatest instrumental troupes.


As if the grey in my beard and pubes and the number of times per night my parasympathetic nervous system rouses me in order...