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Touché Amoré is a progressive/melodic hardcore band hailing out of Los Angeles, best known for their excellent song structure and heartfelt lyricism that is...


Just in time for a supporting slot with fellow Austinites The Sword – having already toured with that band and Clutch – Texas power trio American Sharks unleash a...


To summarize quickly for those who lack the patience to read this entire review: this is a pure funeral doom record, and a very...


Since 2003, Alexander von Meilenwald, the former drummer for Nagelfar, has been releasing sprawling black metal epics under the name The Ruins of Beverast. His music starts with...


On Ginnungagap, Seidr's follow up to their 2011 debut album For Winter Fire, the Louisville, Kentucky band meld the folky doom of earlier material...


Can't think anything other than "Holy shit, I've seeing Shining Thursday with Cormorant." What should I wear to a "blackjazz" show? Corpse paint? Fancy...


Fates Warning have been the rock on which heavier progressive music was founded since their inception in 1982, and show no signs of slowing...


Josh Graham inaugurated A Storm of Light in 2007, shortly before exiting the band he helped found, Red Sparowes. Having also spent the entirety of that decade...


When your last album was both an underrated sleeper and a frequent inclusion on Best of 2011 lists, expectations are understandably high for your follow up....


You know how there is a four pm? Did you know there is another 4 in the morning? I'm going to introduce myself to...


Earlier this year Deafheaven released Sunbather, arguably one of the most beautiful heavy metal albums ever recorded. Vasaeleth just barfed all over it. All...


Back in the 1980's Satan was everywhere in the United States. A confederacy of dunces consisting of law enforcement agencies, the media and pearl...


2013 has been a pretty amazing year for progressive metal of all sorts. Last Chance To Reason put out the great almost aquatic sounding album...


Born of Osiris' Tomorrow We Die Alive was going to be a difficult album to write coming off the heels of their extremely well-received...


By the time that this goes up, I will have just seen Black Sabbath again (writing this Sunday night since I'm seeing them Monday). I...


Finnish folk metal superstars, Turisas, have recently completed their fourth full length album, Turisas2013. It is nothing like any of their previous releases. It...


No matter what you might think of the band, their style or the evolution of their mainman Dez Fafara since his early days earning...


Diamond plate: you know what it is even if you weren't aware there was a name for it. It refers, in the words of...


It has been six years for Thy Light since they released new material. Now, with the release of No Morrow Shall Dawn, the duo...


Eight years after his near-perfect debut Oniric Metal, keyboardist and composer Vivien Lalu is back with a much more refined and mature approach on crafting...


With no intended disrespect toward the other members, I don't think it's too controversial to claim that Josh Homme was always Kyuss' ace in the...


After two EPs Atlanta, GA's Dead in the Dirt has unleashed their first proper full length on Southern Lord Records. The band has already...


Pest have never been a progressive band. Throughout their career, Equamanthorn and Necro have never really strayed from the late 80's/early 90's black metal...