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Search results for "between"


Grind has been making a comeback lately – its decline in both popularity and availability roughly traceable to Nasum's 2005 break up – and you'd...


Four years is a long time to go between albums, but when you're working from a relatively unchanging, traditionalist template it's probably not a...


Well, it’s feels a little strange doing a Top 10 list since I haven’t completed a full year yet at MetalInjection. Also, I really...


Anaal Nathrakh have never presented themselves as black metal, but few bands outside that genre generate the kind of love-'em-or-hate-'em, spoilsport vibes these Brummie...


For the sake of full-disclosure, I should come right out with it: I absolutely love Grunge, and even when pitted against my Metal, Punk,...


Everyone rides that Sword jock nowadays – it's worn, broken in and smells pleasantly of oiled leather – but let's pause a moment to reflect upon...


When I reviewed Cradle of Filth's last album, I tried in fairness to emphasize the band's strengths, while addressing the typical reservations many extreme...


In 1998, a little record entitled When Forever Comes Crashing shook the music world by fusing the atonal, offbeat time signatures of post-hardcore (particularly the instrumentally...


In This Moment comes back with their latest release, Blood. People seem to be black and white when it comes to their opinions on...


Dublin, California could just be another American city with a borrowed European name, lest it not be for a band comprised of arguably some...


If Slipknot has been off your radar in the past few months, it’s imperative to know that this is not exactly a new album...


In 2012, just about every new metal band clearly wants to prove to listeners that they know how to shred, blast, and groove simultaneously....


With bass player Daniel Ekeroth having literally written the book (0n) Swedish Death Metal, you'd expect Usurpress to have their shit together, and that...


Ulver have long been known for their restless experimentation, flitting from black metal to folk to dark ambient and all things in between (mostly...


Finally: a Fear Factory record that can be regarded without the context of high drama hanging over its release. Burton C. Bell and Dino...


Epic. Masterpiece. Mind-blowing. Superlative, superlative, superlative. It's hard to hide my excitement here; Portal Of I, down to its final note, is the perfect...


Dopesmoker was never gonna fly; not as an album title, not on a major label. It was actually the least of the band's worries....


Cattle Decapitation like to give mixed signals: on the one hand, there are the songs beloved by animal rights activists that decry factory farm...


If there’s one subgenre of metal that has way too many bands to claim, it’s probably metalcore. Nowadays, you really have to be cutting...


When you really think about it, Sweden’s Meshuggah is extreme metal’s answer to Tool. Both bands have some of the most supportive and staunch...


To me, when it comes to deathcore, bands and albums are pretty hit or miss.  It’s very much a gamble whenever I pick up...


When Cannibal Corpse released Evisceration Plague back in 2009, I couldn’t find myself really falling for it. Yes, Priests of Sodom and Scalding Hail...


Five years is certainly a long time to wait in-between album releases, but when your material is as daunting, dense and brutal as Spawn...