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Search results for "between"


Mouth of the Architect are sticking to their guns on Dawning with some seriously quality post-metal that presents itself naturally and without any bells...


There's something unsettling about the music of Tristan Shone, a.k.a. Author & Punisher. It's hard to pinpoint, but there's a certain menace about the...


The nouveau thrash movement may or may not be dead, but, regardless of how you feel about the genre's well being, Texas' Power Trip...


I’ll confess that I didn’t know Orphaned Land existed until Public Radio International’s The World aired a story on the band in February 2011,...


This week felt like both a slow week for albums and a huge week for albums. There were not that many new releases that...


The last time Kylesa took three years between records they came back with two drummers and their career high water mark up to that time, Static Tensions....


Six years. I still can’t believe it has been six years since Era Vulgaris was released. In some ways, this wait didn’t seem that...


Rudiments of Mutilation. Do you even need anything beyond that? It's a title that is immediately identifiable and stands out. It's one of those...


TesseracT has made a good name for themselves in the world of progressive metal. Alongside such bands like Periphery, and Between the Buried and...


With Black Gives Way to Blue, Alice in Chains proved all the faux-elitists and skeptics completely wrong. They managed to avoid the anticlimactic self-parody...


Dark Tranquillity's Construct is one of those records where the singles are a little bit a of a misrepresentation of the record. "The Science...


At one point Killing Joke were one of the most bulletproof post-punk bands around. Releasing their first single in 1978, they were right there with Wire and Gang of...


You may have heard recently through the grapevine that a band going by the name “Lesbian” exists. Furthermore, it has no female members, which...


There aren't many bands that maintain a consistency while constantly progressing from album to album. It seems like everyone wants to renew and reinvent...


Like it or not, the two-thousand-teens are the decade of Prog. Those inclinations needn't be manifested by way of King Crimson clones – the split second...


Everyone has that band that got them into music, or into a genre. And no matter how mediocre or revolutionary that band is, you'll...

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....


It's hard to come up with a genre classification that Italy's Nero Di Marte easily fit into. That makes writing about the band a little...


It’s been a little too long since we’ve seen something new from Bring Me The Horizon. They’re one of the more respected names in...


Southern Lord would eat these guys up. No Salvation play a sludge/stoner-friendly hardcore that doesn't fit neatly into one category but would immediately gel on the...


Two years after breaking through with Furnace, Brooklyn's finest, Batillus, are back with Concrete Sustain, a collection of six fairly lengthy but surprisingly lean and focused updates on...

METAL Injection

Körkarlen, or The Phantom Carriage, was released in 1921 and directed by the father of Swedish cinema, Victor Sjöström. According to its story, the...

Latest News

I went into this review with absolutely no knowledge of Vorum or any of their past work. Looking at the album cover, they could...