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Search results for "between"


Oblation – noun \ə-ˈblā-shən, ō-\ – defined as "to make a religious offering or an offering of devotion", in this case the first new...


Heavy metal music has a spirit all its own.  Many bands reach for this feeling, but only some bleed it from every note they...

Black Metal History

There is music that is meant to comfort us, music meant to disturb us, and music meant to impale our senses with the cold...


There's nothing wrong with thrashy-riffs, breakdowns and lyrics damning the pitfalls of modern society.


There are plenty of politically charged heavy metal bands, but few of them are as ambitious as Avram. Avram is less a band than a...

Black Metal History

Brooklyn, New York's Yellow Eyes are relatively new to the USBM game having just released their debut album in 2012. Despite the band's relative...


To put it simply, if nobody told me Warforged's Essence of the Land EP was a debut I would have just assumed it was written...

Black Metal History

Gorgoroth. That’s it. That’s all you really need right? You know black metal, right? Has there ever been a single shred of doubt about...

Black Metal History

Almost any discussion about black metal invariably starts by referencing bands from the second wave of the sub-genre like Mayhem, Darkthrone, Burzum, and Immortal. It's not surprising since...


We here at Metal Injection don't review a lot of reissues – the upcoming Black Metal History Month aside – but there's a reason...


One of the more underrated bands in the sludge/doom milieu – certainly one of the most unheralded of the Chicago metal scene as a...


After the Burial is a band that has largely remained unchanged throughout the years in terms of their core sound- low tuned guitars that...


The last two months of the year are usually pretty sparse when it comes to the amount and quality of heavy metal releases. One...


In the late 90's and early 00's, Rhapsody of Fire (simply Rhapsody at the time) were one of the undisputed heavyweight bands of power metal. There were...


Let's be frank, shall we? 23 years into the band's recorded history, there have been far more mediocre Deicide albums than truly good ones. No one...


Ovid's Withering made a fairly large splash in the metal community early on in 2012 with their Cloud Gatherer EP, and then seemingly vanished...

METAL Injection

Five years between albums is a long time but when you've got a hundred other side projects that's just the way shit rolls. And...


It's been three years since Castevet unveiled their debut album, Mounds of Ash. The record received widespread critical acclaim and helped solidify the legitimacy...


Motörhead join AC/DC as the two go-to bands that folks mention when they're talking about a band that has essentially churned out the same album over and...


For as good as 2011's Scurrlious is, it had MASSIVE footsteps to follow after the band's monumental Fortress. It didn't quite live up to it sadly, and...


There's a lot of hype surrounding Atlantean Kodex's sophomore album, The White Goddess, right now. That's not news in and of itself; in any...


The term "progressive" gets thrown around in heavy metal. There are many progressive bands out there that find a sound that breaks a little...