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Search results for "between"


You have never heard anything like Vectorscan and there will never be anything like Vectorscan ever again. I promise you that.


Polyphia stands head and shoulders above their contemporaries in what I can only describe as instrumental progressive rock that sounds like Michael Jackson and...


Listening to Arizona's Take Over And Destroy is almost as fun as writing about them is challenging. How do you even begin describing a band...


Pallbearer roared into 2012 with enormous expectations, being one of the most hyped new bands in years without an actual album under their belt....


Digital Dream Sequence is a planned attack on your ears, meticulously written to encompass all the violent, destructive natures of metal, but wrapped up...


When your public nemesis is the likes of Gene Simmons, it's not difficult to come off as the sympathetic party in the Kisstory war...


If you're a fan of Dragonforce, definitely get this record. If you're looking for something new, give it a listen but know you're not...


In simplest terms, Back to the Front is essentially canonical Entombed: even with Hellid's departure, the remaining members had all been touring with the...


Slayer's Kerry King has been quoted in recent memory as stating that if the so called Big Four of 80's thrash were expanded to...


This Montréal-based quartet certainly threw down the gauntlet in titling their debut Unrelenting Fucking Hatred. Thankfully, their flensing-knife-scraping-across-black-metal's-open-wound lived up to the labelling.


Think of the album as digging a hole to the center of the Earth and coming out on the other side, only to find...


Since 2002, the French band has been on a prolific seven album scavenger hunt for the most grizzled, colossal and Earth-moving guitar tone. And...


Martyrdöd is one of those bands that has made an excellent name for themselves since their beginnings back in 2003 with their self-titled release....


The fairly young San Francisco band has been on the edge of breaking for the past several years and their sophomore effort may finally...


The members of Seventh Seal didn't sit down to write a metal album, or an album that grooves with the ferocity of a thousand...


Redeemer of Souls is out tomorrow!


Six years is a long time to wait between freshman and sophomore albums; especially when the freshman album is one of the best death...


It's weird to think that it has already been four years since I just happened to download Allegaeon's first album Fragments of Form and Function for my...


On Manslaughter, it's obvious that Ice-T and Ernie C took their time crafting each song, and the polished production is undoubtedly the result of...

At The Movies

The key value in this book is not so much in the research as the actual, lived-in expertise and insight that McPadden brings to...


After three long years since their morose breakthrough album, An Ache for the Distance, The Atlas Moth have returned with a dilemma that so many bands face. How...


Incantation stands today as one of the most influential death metal bands of all time. And their doomy, low-end tremolo-picking style is undoubtedly one...


Emerging out of the rough-edged husk of lineup changes and label unrest - including a six year gap (2003-2009) between releases - is a...