Hi, what are you looking for?
It involved shoes. It was dumb.
"I'm walking in a more healed version of myself."
Hatrix is sadly unable to work at this time.
Thank you, Captain Obvious!
Getting high without much sleep.
The black metal demigods have a new album coming next month and have released the first new track from that crushing affair.
This will be the last time we even broach this subject
No cause of death is known at this time.
Trash Talk is a band known to start psuedo-riots, break things and have fans who enjoy pissing in their own mouths. Mayor Bill DeBlasio...
Of course there is fellatio involved.
Vote for your favorite tracks off Unhallowed, Miamsa and Nocturnal.
Note the word "accused."
This is as close to seeing Burzum live as you're gonna get!
The band plan to tour Europe and North America one last time and then hang it up for the immediate future.
Dudes with guitars? Terrorists.
Anyway, "Colony II: Colonier" is out in 2016.
Also, Pantera riffs are boring.
New Faith No More in 2015?! Who could've ever dreamed such a thing?
Does it smell like weed in here?
Who does Corey Taylor challenge to ice themselves?