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Around the Interwebs

Halloween is, of course, the most metal of all holidays, so it makes sense that rock and metal bands get in the holiday spirit...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include some doom, some death doom, some death metal, and some more! To the metals...

Around the Interwebs

Why is it not just all Misfits tracks?


I have been singing the priases of Poppy for a while now, and clearly the WWE Universe has taken notice. Poppy was the special guest performer...


Nile aren't fucking around on their ninth studio album Vile Nilotic Rites. Dropping November 1st through Nuclear Blast, the four piece of Karl Sanders,...

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He's not a fan of their stage crew either.

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Necrobutcher went into detail for the first time with his opinion of the film, and his reaction is not what you would expect. 

Bummer Alert

"Due to circumstances beyond our control."

Metal Merch

Masters of merchandise.

Mashups & Covers

In the midst of it all, Slipknot managed to find some time to hit the studio with legendary boy band NSYNC for a very...


He's cool with his brother. The rest of the guys, not so much.


They are pioneers of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal movement. Their self-titled album is a genre staple, a heavy metal must-have that...

Latest News

With Slipknot having a bit of off-time until their next big tour, the band is at work on a new music video for the...