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Search results for "BREATH"


One thing that is undeniable is Howard Jones' voice is massive. He is one of the only people to pull off a proper Dio...


London, England's venerable and vicious Killing Joke is a band that, arguably, has been coming so close to its classic era of late that...

At The Movies

Metal and horror movies are not just an excellent pairing, they are inseparable. Ever since the first metal band in history took their name...


Die Choking have already told us twice that they have little interest in tuning out their ADHD riffage (in a world that's oddly developed...


GWAR is pretty much the best cover band in the world

Metal Crimes

The big story yesterday was the alleged assault by Danzig to an amateur photographer Neil Dalton. Initially, Dalton posted a statement saying that he...


If you haven't climbed aboard the Radio Fenriz train, you, my friend, are missing out on tons of excellent new music that the Darkthrone...

Music Videos

We're premiering the new Aminals music video in support of their vinyl pre-orders, and this one has it all. Twerking, motorcycles, dad rock, a...

Weekly Injection

Another STACKED week. New stuff from Earth Rockers, Finnish symphonic nerds, that one band Pitchfork loves, and many, many more! To the metals…


This is a band for prog nerds, stoner rockers, math rock fiends, and those fond of atypical musical experiences.


So, Golgotha. Album number fifteen. Holy crap! They’ve released thirteen albums since I stopped giving a shit? Thirteen! That’s crazy.

Weekly Injection

According to my calendar, today is Save The Koala Day. YES DO THAT! SAVE THEM… This edition includes a beloved blues-based rock band, a bloodsucking...

Latest News

Havok is in a fairly interesting position this tour in that it keeps picking up and dropping openers every few dates. The guests include...


Breakneck, thrashy- you get the picture. It kicks ass.

The Obituarist

Hey kids!  The Obituarist is here, back with another round up of killer releases from this year, each sure to decimate you into utter...


Despite outlasting their Finnish brethren, who split up shortly after Stream, Skepticism haven’t exactly been the most prolific dudes on the planet. Ordeal is...


With track record of playing about as fast as they release albums, Tyranny don't have much to answer to in terms of a discography...

Bummer Alert

A few fans were a little too excited for System of a Down at Riot Fest in Chicago.