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Search results for "BREATH"


False Highs, True Lows is carnivorous and frothing, teeming with black metal and metallic hardcore influences that leaves almost no room to breathe.

The Obituarist

Hear new music from underground death metal bands like Xenomorphic Contamination, Inbreeding Sick, Megascavenger, Nucleus, Zhrine


Hardcore punk that's all up in your fucking face with Phil Sgrosso riffs.


Like a swollen wave of tar, the sophomore album from Wigan's Boss Keloid will engulf you with its thick, sludgy atmosphere and stay caked...

Song Premiere

Earlier this year, we here at Metal Injection had the privilege to bring you “Data_M1nefield,” the first track from the upcoming Cyborg Octopus record...


It's... beautiful. Also, it's heavy as fuck at points!

Upcoming Releases

Get out your pitchforks, Whitechapel fans!

Upcoming Releases

New Tool in 2016? 2017? Our lifetime?


It sounds meaty!

Weekly Injection

This edition might be the most diverse Weekly Injection yet with EDM metal, oodles of bass slaps, Mike Patton moaning, and more! To the...

Latest News

Is there anything Blythe doesn't do at this point?

The Obituarist

Hello again hellions, Trevor, The Obituarist here… ready to yet again guide your sweaty little fingers to the pulse of the extreme metal underground.


It’s nice to be reminded that there’s still more aural destruction in the band’s fingertips via The Great Destroyer. An aptly titled album.


Stating Spiritual Beggars' Sunrise to Sundown would've been more well received 30 years ago is certainly no understatement, yet additionally the execution proves that...


The Sepultura drama continues.


Can a reconfigured Cobalt compete with their earlier works? You bet your ass they can.


Which Republican does Dave Mustaine like?


Inverloch is a relatively young project with plenty of room to move outside the shadow of its legacy. I'm just not sure which direction...