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Search results for "BREATH"

The Obituarist

Howdy mutants, Trevor aka The Obituarist here to round of some of the finest releases in extreme music that I’ve been able to exhume...


Alternative metal was likely the crossover for many who now appreciate the darker or more technical side of metal and therefore individuals who find...

Weekly Injection

This edition gets classy with some classical metal, progressive mainstays, and other ramblings of an incredibly sleepy blogger. To the metals…


Which Killswitch Engage album is Adam D.'s favorite?


The Vision Bleak continue their successful ways with another solid, memorable, if not completely spectacular album to add to their growing discography.


Oh my dear Lord, they have tits!!


2016 has been a blur. There have been some seriously great records, some records that fell a little short of expectations, and records that...


You Will Never Be One of Us is brief, brutal and devastatingly effective. It’s everything an extreme music fan could want.

Latest News

Don't let a great documentary not happen.

The Obituarist

Hey dudes, I’ve got one hell of a column for you all, combing the annals of the underground the world over for more sick...

Latest News

Austin Lunn and a star-studded cast of musicians, engineers, and artists are breathing new life into a couple of Panopticon's earlier albums.


The latest thrashterpiece from sci-fi thrashers Vektor sees the band defending its reputation as the most innovative modern thrash band, even if the album...

Bummer Alert

Drugs were not a factor in his death.


In the interest of full disclosure, and as a demonstration of the transformative power that comes with taking one’s time and ignoring first impressions,...

Bummer Alert

He collapsed on stage with his band OHM.

Funeral Doom Friday

This week we're taking a look at a personal favorite from one of Funeral Doom's longest sustaining bands!

Weekly Injection

This edition includes bummer metal, prog insanity, some death metal variety and more! To the metals…


Under Attack is album number fourteen and if there’s an underlying message at play it’s that you can teach old dogs new tricks while...


Four minutes of trying really hard not to look like you're into this track at work.


A pilgrimage that is dense, sweeping and chaotic; its darkness engulfing.


"Clear the way for the Prophets of Rage. The party's over. #TakeThePowerBack"