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Bummer Alert

Well this fucking sucks. Argonauts is undoubtably the next big thing in my eyes. Fuck, it has Dave Witte amongst it's ranks, and it...

Upcoming Releases

Iron Maiden decided to film a concert DVD back last year when From Fear to Eternity came out, set in South America, during The...


When our photographer Aline Miladinovich had the opportunity to spend a few weeks bunking on Mayhem's tour bus, this past Fall, she could not...


Even as a staunch supporter of Richmond’s metal titans Lamb of God, their last album Wrath simply didn’t compare to their previous releases. The...


This is a rumor I really want to believe. Blabbermouth reported over the weekend that they are hearing that Mastodon, Opeth and Ghost are...

Injection Reflection

Another week has passed, which means we are one week closer from the 70,000 Tons of Metal cruise. I absolutely can't wait to get...

It's Just Business

This is an interesting business model. Reunited hardcore veterans, Biohazard have announced they will be giving away their next album, Reborn In Defiance for...

Latest News

Dear Bruce Dickinson Jr. (Rise To Remain vocalist Austin Dickinson) seems to be leading another one of those bands that are like the oxygen...

Upcoming Releases

"WHAT?! So the secret identity of Portal was Cynic all along?" Nah, it just so happens that the very American progressive rock band, Cynic,...


Why You Do This is a new documentary created by Car_Bomb vocalist Michael Dafferner. It showcases his band's struggle with trying to earn a living by touring...

Quick Bits

All That Remains have been added as one of the headliners for this year's New England and Hardcore Festival. The band will be closing out...

RIP a Livecast

Our first episode of the New Year was jam-packed with great content. We kicked it off talking about the break, and a caller from...


Ever since Killswitch Engage announced that vocalist Howard Jones is leaving the band, the internet has been abuzz with who might replace him. All...

Breakups & Shakeups

Today was not a good day for Oceano. Vocalist Adam Warren posted on his Facebook wall "I'm shocked, but well… If Killswitch can go...

Breakups & Shakeups

In a shocking announcement on their official website, Killswitch Engage have announced they parted ways with Howard Jones. Here is the official statement:

Relapse Records Podcast

We kick off 2012 in style with the January edition of the Relapse Records Podcast.  On the first episode of the last year on...

Latest News

Arch Enemy had a pretty busy year in 2011 with the release of Khaos Legions and a world tour, things got busy for the...

Breakups & Shakeups

Another casualty of the music business! Over the holiday break, it seems the final nail was put into the coffin of The Human Abstract,...

Quick Bits

Things have been pretty quiet around here this week, and around metal in general. There was still some news that surfaced this week that...

Best of 2011

We asked Metal Injection contributor Frank Huang to reflect on his Top 5 Shows in 2011. Frank shot extensive video of all the shows...


Man, Dillinger Escape Plan are really making the rounds with their former members. First, Mike Patton joins them in San Francisco, then original vocalist...


Venom have been nothing but a constant and reassuring presence since they added a darkly sardonic and revolting twist to heavy metal in England...


Remember when Anthrax had a new singer for a few months? Virtual unknown, local vocalist Dan Nelson was plucked out of obscurity to front...