Why You Do This is a new documentary created by Car_Bomb vocalist Michael Dafferner. It showcases his band's struggle with trying to earn a living by touring and playing music. The documentary covers several years of the band's touring, concluding with their first big tour with Gojira and The Chariot. Throughout the piece, Dafferner tries to dissect why he plays the type of music he does. The hour long documentary also features interviews with Randy Blythe from Lamb of God and Richard Christy of Charred Walls of the Damned among others. It's a good viewing for anybody interested in starting a band that goes out and tours as it shows the reality of the situation. Not every band explodes and is playing arenas from day one, there is a struggle, which is greatly documented in this piece.
For those that want to obtain a physical copy of the documentary, you can purchase Why You Do This for $10 bucks at http://www.whyyoudothis.com.