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Search results for "Reality"

Essential Black Metal Listening

Deathspell Omega is a band of sheer immensity. They incorporate the very essence of the word “bestial” when you listen to them.

Time & Space, Bro

The following is all speculation. In my opinion though, so is everything else, so blow me.

Latest News

For the first time in eight years we'll be seeing Extol hit the stage! YES!

Latest News

We learn a little more about At War With Reality.

Shocking Revelations

This is what a naked woman hugging a bathroom looks like…

Upcoming Releases

Scar Symmetry are about to get all types of sci-fi up in your ears over the next three records!

Around the Interwebs

Unless you'd like to have a painful ear-related affliction or go deaf, then you might want to wear some ear plugs at the next...


We start off our Ninth year of producing MSRcast with a bang as we dive into the mind of Gregor Mackintosh who happens to...

Tour Dates

Unfortunately we're not clear on which members, but Robb Flynn and members of Machine Head, Metallica, Slayer, Testament, Exodus, Suicide Silence, Death Angel, Forbidden,...

Best of 2013

It's been a crazy year for metal, but rather than the usual break-up drama, this year was filled with arrests, drug busts and some...

Breakups & Shakeups

It hasn't been a banner year for Nachtmystium founder Blake Judd. After being arrested for theft, he took a hard look at his life...

Open Metacast

One of the items that the Voyager 1 Spacecraft sent along with it on its voyage outside of our solar system was a gold-plated....


In a case of life imitating art, a day after Broken Hope released a pretty gruesome new music video, a fan in attendance at...

br00tal Comedy

Mastodon's Brent Hinds is working on a new series called "Fameless" which is he currently shopping around. Here is a sizzle real for the...

Latest News

Fans might have been wondering why Michael Amott, the guitarist for Carcass for their two of their most influential albums (Necroticism and Heartwork), wasn't...


Imagine a smoke filled room. The acrid air, the fogginess of vision; all the senses permeated by the thick haze. This is the essence...


While it is true that we interviewed Devin Townsend not too long ago, the man is always active and always has a lot of interesting...


Diamond plate: you know what it is even if you weren't aware there was a name for it. It refers, in the words of...


Front to back, the Summer Slaughter tour was the most exciting package of the summer for me. One thing that was noticeable at the...


Over the past decade or so Jason Newsted has been a meandering soul in the metal community. Jason played with the Canadian Prog Thrash icons...

Tim Lambesis Trial

As I Lay Dying frontman Tim Lambesis' life was forever changed on May 7th, 2013, when he was arrested for allegedly atempting to hire...