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Open Metacast

There's a tradition in the United States of America that folks are called upon to serve as jury in court cases. Fortunately I wasn't...


On Manslaughter, it's obvious that Ice-T and Ernie C took their time crafting each song, and the polished production is undoubtedly the result of...

Latest News

Jari Mäenpää only wants to continue making sweet, sweet metal.


Emerging out of the rough-edged husk of lineup changes and label unrest - including a six year gap (2003-2009) between releases - is a...

Upcoming Releases

I am so excited for the new At The Gates album, that they could put out a press release about their breathing habits and...

Gear Gods

When we posted this amazing Pantera cover last week, a fan recommended this equally awesome Tool cover by Break of Reality, who have a...

Bummer Alert

Stop shouting "play the old stuff" at their shows because it isn't going to happen.

Open Metacast

Dear Fans of Open Metalcast. I have a confession to make. It has been six long months since the last Instrumetalcast. Six months you've...

Upcoming Releases

"Chew on some mescaline and listen to side B of Sabbath's "Master of Reality" backwards at 78 RPM and it might give you an...

Weekly Injection

Everybody in the States enjoy their day off yesterday? Well now that you're relaxed, hungover, or whatever you may be, it's time for some...


Pagan metal is one of those terms that has become increasingly polarizing to adherents of heavy metal culture. A once revered corner of the...

br00tal Comedy

Black Veil Brides guitarists  Jake Pitts and Jeremy "Jinxx" Ferguson were featured on a recent episode of Australian reality series Bondi Rescue which follows lifeguards on...

Fuck Yes!

The pending title is "Only Half There"

Artists in Metal

Find out about the artist's process and check out some of his insanely cool creations.

Weekly Injection

While this week's edition of is super diverse, there seems to be stoner rock/metal lean to the albums dropping. Coincidence that it's 4/20 weekend...


Reformers aim to "confront sin in love"


Rhode Island is not a place you normally think of when the subject of strong metal scenes arise. Vital Remains and The Body spring to mind, but little...

Earnings & Attendance

Metallica made HOW MUCH?!? Comparing revenues from Avenged Sevenfold, TOOL, Soundgarden and more…


If you'll recall, a few weeks ago Metal Injection reported that Deafheaven's vocalist George Clarke announced he'd founded a record label with friend and onetime...

Weekly Injection

Not too many big releases this week, but there is certainly a diverse batch of records dropping.  This week's edition of THE WEEKLY INJECTION...