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Search results for "Reality"


...and I'm not talking about a Manowar song!

Metal In The Mainstream

Sharon is being quoted everywhere, but three letters not coming out of her mouth are M, T & V.

Bummer Alert

The metal community is still stunned by the tragic passing of Black Tusk bassist Jonathan Athon. I didn't personally know Athon, but many of...

Weekly Injection

Life happens. This weeks reviews are short and to the point. Sorry? This edition includes old school death metalers from every corner, aquatic doom,...

Show Recap

King Buzzo and pals kicked off their fall tour in Sacramento on October 15th, and I, someone almost completely ignorant to the Melvins was in...

Music Videos

Here's the new music video for the opening track off the much-aniticipated new At The Gates album, At War with Reality, which is out October 28 on...

Weekly Injection

Most weeks I peak ahead to see just how much good stuff is coming out, and didn't this week for some reason. I was...

Shocking Revelations

Weston Cage, the son of Nicolas Cage, who got his father into Darkthrone seems like a very interesting figure. I briefly met him and...


Behind the scenes in the crazy world of metal promotion, hacks around the block were recently email slammed by Bullet Tooth Records and their...


You know the drill by now. It's good.


Back Door to Asylum are a technical, brutal death metal unit out of Moscow, Russia, a country that I haven’t heard a whole lot...


The kings of Gothenburg are back!

Undergound Buzz

I'd be willing to bet that Sacramento, California is never, ever considered to be a hotbed for up-and-coming bands. The truth is that it...

Fuck Yes!

"I really don't want this stuff corrupting my boyfriend and making him change from the loving, positive person he is"


"The amount of contempt I feel for At The Gates right now is beyond description."

Upcoming Releases

Sick artwork? Check. Sick music? Also check.

Bummer Alert

If you were getting your hopes up for new Wintersun, sorry to crush your dreams.


Think of the album as digging a hole to the center of the Earth and coming out on the other side, only to find...

br00tal Comedy

When Robb Flynn and the rest of Machine Head let this dude Tony up on stage to propose to his girlfriend Ashley, frontman Robb...

RIP a Livecast

This week's episode starts with a bit of political talk about the issue in Israel and Palestine, which led us down a rabbit hole...

Metal Merch

Sneakers Bloody Sneakers!