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Tour Dates

Everybody's favorite party animal, Andrew WK just landed the greatest gig ever in the history of heavy metal. He gets to go around the...


Holy hell, you guys! The metal gods heard my complaining last week. I made the mistake of bitching about not enough notable releases, and...


A certain amount of fanfare trumpets the return of the regal beast that is Black Sabbath: neither a comically castrating reality show nor endless amounts...

Open Metacast

Recently we got the chance to speak with Ryan Conner of the melodic death-metal band Cryogen. Cryogen are currently Kickstarting their new album Continuum....


I mean, they're definitely right. We're all going to die eventually, so thanks for reminding us that we're all human there, Children of Bodom. Fuckin'...


On the tenth anniversary of the release of Metallica's St. Anger, Rob remembered that I had made some off the cuff remarks that some...


What is it about mid-Spring that causes so many Stoner/Doom bands to bloom? Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats, Orchid, Kadavar have all dropped in...


TesseracT has made a good name for themselves in the world of progressive metal. Alongside such bands like Periphery, and Between the Buried and...

Latest News

Chimaira have posted up their IndieGoGo campaign for their upcoming album Crown of Phantoms due out on July 30. Excited much?


I suggest you leave any pre-conceived notions about piracy at the door before you read this article; Trevor is telling is exactly like it is,...

Upcoming Releases

There's a new hardcore supergroup in the works called Get Involved!, which features former members of Glassjaw, Thursday, From Autumn To Ashes, Judge, and...


It's Monday and while today might have been a "slow" news day, there is a lot of new music in the wild, including jams...


It's a Clutch single. Are you really expecting anything less than a hard-rocking jam?

RIP a Livecast

On this monumental edition of the RIP a Livecast, Rob finally did it . He called his mom live on the air. Just one...

Upcoming Releases

Tesseract have decided to go a step further than One's 27-minute "Concealing Fate" suite, and just make the whole new album a solid 51-minute...

Upcoming Releases

Rolling Stone apparently cares about music again! They posted a very in-depth article on the upcoming Black Sabbath album, 13 and it features new...

Music Videos

The band is Alternate Reality, the track is The King That Never Was and it's awful

Latest News

When I think baseball legend Jose Canseco, many things come to mind…homeruns, reality shows, steroids,…but heavy metal? Recently the controversial athlete was a part...


We've been talking about Dave Grohl's Sound City documentary forever and it's set to debut on video-on-demand services on February 1st. This past weekend...

Best of 2012

It's been a great year for silly metal videos. Whether it's contestants on pop reality shows, kids being more metal than you, or animals...

It's Just Business

I personally really enjoy when a band takes the time to rant about the music industry. We all have our complaints but these are...

Best of 2012

And so it begins, all this week (and perhaps some of next week), we will be recapping the best of the year, with year-end...

Latest News

We just received a press release from handlers of Jim Martin, the former guitarist of Faith No More, who played guitars on every FNM...