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A new interview with frontman Corey Taylor seems to suggest that's the case.


This will be the last time we even broach this subject


Of course there is fellatio involved.


Pallbearer roared into 2012 with enormous expectations, being one of the most hyped new bands in years without an actual album under their belt....


“But what about Punk Rock?” Punk and metal have always had a weird, sometimes difficult relationship. In a way this is strange, as the...

Upcoming Releases

There was something preventing the band from fully focusing on their new material that they haven't spoken about until now.

RIP a Livecast

This week's episode starts with a bit of political talk about the issue in Israel and Palestine, which led us down a rabbit hole...

Breakups & Shakeups

On the plus side – new Obscura later this year!

Latest News

"I physically and mentally couldn’t get onstage. I had a complete mental breakdown."

Metal In The Mainstream

But will he still be a junkie as previously reported?

Bummer Alert

He compares his relationship with Phil Anselmo to a bitter split with an ex-wife.

Tim Lambesis Trial

"I had spoken with him directly and in length of how 100% of my heart, love, and loyalty was being directed in support towards...

Tim Lambesis Trial

A Must-Read to anybody who's been following the case.


The last thing we'll ever write about this damn note.


Inquistion frontman Dagon denies his band being a nazis


Fans complain of paying for but not receiving the new album; charity says they've never heard of Tim.


Yesterday, the promoters of Mayhem Festival announced their lineups, including a Victory Records stage. The stage features a lot of acts the label is...


For the past 10 years, Metal Injection has provided its readers with the highest quality metal content on the internet. As the site's readership...