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The orchestral element is vital in So Hideous' aesthetic, a trait of true unique distinction. For any doubters or naysayers, the inclusion of an...


For this specific collaboration, members of Mudvayne, Hellyeah, and Skrape unite to test their strengths against the likes of previous major successors like Down...

Relapse Records Podcast

This month we have new music from WINDHAND, ZOMBI, PUBLICIST UK, REMIXED PIG DESTROYER, & MORE! As always, we have the latest updates, tour...


Hello Death Metal mongrels,  Trevor Strnad, the Obituarist here with another column, this time on one of my favorite drummers from the brutal scene...


Not a fun weekend for all parties involved.

At The Movies

Extol is a band that needs no introduction. They've always been at the forefront of forward-thinking, truly progressive metal, and each of their albums are...


Technical death metal is a crowded field these days. And it's not a new style either, so maintaining a sense of identity can be...


Are you an advertising industry professional? Are you knowledgeable about the web? Do you love heavy metal? Do you need a job? Well, then,...

The Obituarist

In an attempt to feature more underground metal artists on Metal Injection, we have procured the services of one of the biggest fans of...


This one's headed to the courts!

It's Just Business

I’m always intrigued when a young band finds new ways to successfully solve their funding problems.


This album was actually self-released by Wende’s sole member, Zamiel, back in 2011. But this debut album, along with its follow up (The Third...


I have not had a best relationship in the past with Nightwish. I love symphonic metal, and when it’s done right it’s done right...


Basically, don't hold your breath for a reunion.

Upcoming Releases

Their seventh studio album is coming!


"Over 30 years of working and living with Dave, several of us had heard him say that he wished for his ashes to be...


Last week, Unlocking the Truth revealed at SXSW that they are looking to exit Sony and void their $1.7 million dollar contract. From what I've heard,...