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If you're anything like me, you know that autumn is basically the best time of year. The leaves change into awesome colors, there's literally...

Tim Lambesis Trial

Today is the day As I Lay Dying frontman Tim Lambesis has been dreading. He will attend a preliminary hearing to determine if the...

Breakups & Shakeups

Crowbar are having some pretty terrible luck lately, what with their drummer going under the knife for cancer and losing their bassist… and it...


On May 2nd of this year, we lost the great Jeff Hanneman. The most in-depth profile on Hanneman was done by Guitar World magazine....

Latest News

Ayreon haven't done anything since their 2008 record 01011001, but apparently it hasn't been all silence on their part! Arjen has revealed that there will be...


Poor Dream Theater. The band must give hundreds of interviews a month, and each one probably asks them if there is ever a time...

RIP a Livecast

An eventful week brought an eventful podcast. We begin by Rob discussing a story of providing for a certain metal icon. We also discuss...


We knew Metallica drummer Lars had a really hot girlfriend, in fact, many hot girlfriends and wives over the years, but now the Metallica drummer...


Ay ay ay, this Guitar World Jeff Hanneman issue is seemingly a never-ending pile of Slayer drama. We learned that Hanneman was in a...


A few months back, we learned that Ozzy Osbourne recently relapsed on drugs and alcohol, mostly coke and booze according to his interview with...


Didn't see that coming! Darkest Hour have signed with Sumerian Records! Now they've got them, Dillinger Escape Plan… are Sumerian becoming the next powerhouse?


In the last few years Jørgen Munkeby has become a much sought after saxophonist in the metal world. He has worked with Enslaved, Ihsahn, and...

Upcoming Releases

In 1996, Sepultura teamed up with Ross Robinson and created the legendary album Roots, which in essence became a part of the nu-metal blueprint....


Slayer announced yesterday that they would be reuniting with drummer Paul Bostaph in the wake of their split with founding drummer Dave Lombardo over financial disagreements. Lombardo...


Layne's mom Nancy McCallum is suing the band over royalties, which really is just a damn shame if she's right. Where's the love anymore?

Tim Lambesis Trial

Earlier today, As I Lay Dying frontman Tim Lambesis plead not guilty to one count of solicitation of murder after attempting to hire a...

Bummer Alert

This weekend, we reported on the tragic passing of Deftones bassist Chi Cheng, who died at the age of 42 after his heart stopped....


Gojira drummer Mario Duplantier might be located all the way in the back of the stage when his band is performing, but for me,...

Latest News

Well, that was fast! A few weeks ago, Rob Caggiano announced he was leaving Anthrax due to lack of creative fulfillment and would instead be...

Breakups & Shakeups

This is quite an interesting development. Moments ago, Anthrax released a statement saying longtime guitarist Rob Caggiano has left the band. Here is their...

Best of 2012

I have a love/hate relationship with these damned things. Not the albums, obviously, but rather the lists. On the one hand, taken in the...

Bummer Alert

Metal Injection reported back on November 27th that Rage Against The Machine would not be writing a new album, however, reports now indicate that...

Open Metacast

Welcome back to Open Metalcast, bringing you the best in Creative Commons licensed metal music. Recently we got the chance to speak with Benjamin...