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Your sleepless nights can now end! Cue that glowing, floating butterfly in the Lunesta commercial. Thousands of musicians, fans and right holders now have the...

Latest News

We just received a press release from handlers of Jim Martin, the former guitarist of Faith No More, who played guitars on every FNM...

Bummer Alert

Stories like this are never fun. Not so metal act, Linkin Park were playing Cape Town Stadium in Cape Town, South Africa yesterday at...


So few things happen in Fargo, North Dakota that when Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich and his new model gilrfriend, supermodel Jessica Miller come into...

Fuck Yes!

Motorhead bassist Lemmy Kilmister is a living legend. Everybody who comes in contact with the man has nothing but praise for the iconic bassist....

Latest News

A few weeks ago, the internet got all excited because Phil Anselmo stated that he discussed a potential Pantera reunion with guitarist Zakk Wylde,...

Show Recap

Click here for our massive photo gallery from this tour It’s been a hell of a rewarding Spring/Summer for me as far as kick-ass...

Show Recap

In the searing heat of English summer approximately 15,000 people flooded a tiny patch of field to wreak chaos, drink too much beer and...

Breakups & Shakeups

This is sad. The Dillinger Escape Plan have announced that rhythm guitarist Jeff Tuttle is leaving the band. There is no drama behind it,...

It's Just Business

Huge news behind the scenes in the metal world today! A few weeks ago, we reported that amass the huge Roadrunner layoffs a few...

Hand Ov Doom

You heard us right Doominions! We've prepared our radio studio to become a den of debauchery for our extremely special Sodomy Episode! We all...


[tv]https://metalinjection.net/tv/view/6728/triple-h-comes-out-to-metallica-at-wrestlemania-27[/tv] Here's something that absolutely makes sense. There is a rumor going around on a bunch of wrestling news sites that Metallica will be...

Upcoming Releases

It's a huge week for metal, so I'll spare you the cute introduction and get right to it. Without further ado, let's take a...


Slayer's Dave Lombardo is out doing a ton of press for his side project Philm, and naturally talk of Slayer and the Big 4...

RIP a Livecast

This week, we kicked off Mayhem Month, a month where each week we have a guest from a band playing this summer's biggest festival...


Geo·dissonance: the metal movement is proliferating to all corners of the globe. In its relentless display of vitriolic truths and the ugliest questions of...

It's Just Business

Update: Billboard has chimed in saying that 36 staffers will lose their jobs, 16 of which are U.S. based. Additionally, founder/CEO Cees Wessels is...

Latest News

Mike Smith's decision to leave Suffocation was pretty much inevitable, he says, and he can no longer make a living playing in Suffocation full time....


It didn't take long for Inquisition's last effort, 2011's Ominous Doctrines of the Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm, to jump into heavy rotation around my house once...

Black Metal History

As some of us intelligent people might know, there have got to be a few reasons why black metal weapons look so primitive and...


Charging up their batteries for an imminent European tour, Matthew Skarajew and Paul Mazziotta of diSEMBOWELMENT, er… d.USK, er… Inverloch take a brief respite...


Let me preface this by saying this is not metal news. This is gossip. But shut the hell up, this is still worthy of...

Latest News

When you usher an innate passion for riffs with the demons invoked by years of heavy boozing and tripped out touring, self-destruction can become...