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Upcoming Releases

Once again, Dave Mustaine's Cameo page is a source of breaking news. In a recent birthday greeting to Megadeth fan Joe, Mustaine was back...


On this day, thirty-eight years ago, July 25, 1983, Metallica's Kill 'Em All was released to an unsuspecting public, not knowing that this band...

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off wishing Sid a happy birthday. Rob talks about attending Psycho Las Vegas next month. Rob also discussing swimming, leading us...

This Is Just A Tribute

Believe it or not, today marks four years since Linkin Park frontman Chester Bennington passed away. Bennington died via suicide by hanging in his home, just...

Latest News

It seems like every year, there is at least one small sliver of evidence that we might get a follow-up to the now legendary...

RIP a Livecast

We dive DEEP into the Dave Mustaine Cameo page this week, and learn a lot about the Megadeth frontman. We also learn about Ivan...

Mustaine Mania

We have a guess as to who the new bassist might be.


"People say 'You can't erase history by taking those statues down.' They are right, but that's not the point of those statues coming down."

Upcoming Releases

Dave Mustaine's Cameo has now become a source of breaking news! We reported earlier this week, that the Megadeth frontman raised the prices of...

Back in the Day

Bringing the issue of police brutality to mainstream media in the wake of the 1992 LA riots, Body Count’s Cop Killer was a provocative...

RIP a Livecast

Noa's back, and she updates us on all the different types of weather patterns in her new hometown, we learn about Dave Mustaine's Cameo,...

Music Videos

Technical death metal outfit, Proceed Your Way To Oblivion, has dropped a ripper of a single "Validation Sequence". Formed in 2019, Proceed Your Way...

Around the Interwebs

While Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne have had a roller coaster of a marriage, the duo celebrated 39 years of marriage this weekend. Their anniversary was on Sunday,...

RIP a Livecast

We're excited to catch up with our good friend, Axl Rosenberg of MetalSucks, who sits in on this edition of the show. We kick...

Five Favorite Records

From being a founding member of black metal godfathers Emperor to originating the dark dungeon synth genre, Mortiis has been one of the more...

Latest News

Congratulations are in order for Trivium bassist Paolo Gregoletto, who revealed the birth of his daughter, named Evelina earlier today on social media. Paolo...

RIP a Livecast

Tonight, we are excited to the killer synthwave musician GoST on the show. We talk to him about his upcoming album and the inspiration...

RIP a Livecast

Tonight, we are excited to have comedian, actor, and man-about-town Dave Hill to talk about his new movie, Drunk Bus. We learn all about...