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Shocking Revelations

Ellefson says the situation is "certainly embarrassing" but the facts are being manipulated

This Is Just A Tribute

Legendary drummer Alex Van Halen celebrated his 68th birthday on Saturday, May 8th, and it was the first birthday since he was three years...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Skarlett Riot, Seth, Moon Coven, Artillery, Book of Wyrms, and Aduanten.

Music Videos

Ov Sulfur, blackened deathcore outfit ft. Suffokate's Ricky Hoover, have dropped a blistering new track "Bathe in the Flame". Opening with a melody that...

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off talking about Tim Lambesis' latest lawsuit. We play a Livecast-related cameo from friend of the show, Randy Blythe of Lamb...


With May being Mental Health Awareness month, Loss Becomes' Chef Brian Tsao has put together an introspective video giving some insight behind his own personal...

Upcoming Releases

Exodus has moved their long-awaited new album Persona Non Grata back from its original June release date to this November. The reason of course...

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off this week trying to figure out the rules for our eventual sunflower seed eating competition, aka the SHELL OFF. After...

Latest News

The controversial New York City hardcore show this past Saturday, April 24th, that was billed as a benefit concert for the New York City Firefighters...

New Music

Newly formed death metal band INHUMAN CONDITION have released their first single, “Tyrantula” with an accompanying video.  “Tyrantula” will be on the group’s debut album “Rat°God”. INHUMAN...

Latest News

In that way only Clown could say it.

RIP a Livecast

Rob made the mistake of celebrating 4/20 on the air, and comedy ensues. We kick things off talking about the 4/20 holiday and its...

Shocking Revelations

Iced Earth's Jon Schaffer got more publicity than he could ever ask for today, with the news of his guilty plea in connection to...

Funeral Doom Friday

Abysmal affections to you and yours! This edition of Funeral Doom Friday is particularly special. The 2021 Roadburn Festival is livestreaming all its performances...

It's Just Business

A new report from the Wall Street Journal reveals how much Apple Music pays artists per stream, and it ends up being almost twice...

Music Videos

Vreid have dropped a touching tribute, "Into the Mountains," from their upcoming full length, Wild North West. An homage to late WINDIR frontman Terje...


Yesterday, we learned of new teasers from Rammstein about a line of clothing with high-end luxury brand Balenciaga. We warned that the items will...

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off this week discussing what As I Lay Dying's Tim Lambesis is up to. This leads to Rob recounting a story...