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It's Sunday, so you know what that means – Toyah and Robert are back. They are going a bit more obscure this week, as...

Shocking Revelations

Rob Zombie's legendary debut solo album Hellbilly Deluxe came out 23 years ago, and today Twitter user @fart decided to blow everybody's minds with...


br-br-DENG into your hearts

Around the Interwebs

Toyah and Robert's Sunday Lunch is back and they're tackling a classic. The King Crimson guitarist, his wife, and a mysterious third are tackling...

Music Videos

Our favorite new father/daughter grindcore duo, Animal Schoolbus, is back with a fun new music video for their latest single  “I Can Do One-Handed...


It wouldn't be a Sunday morning without King Crimson guitarist Robert Fripp and his wife, Toyah Willcox offering another fun cover to get us through...

Upcoming Releases

AC/DC, Electric Wizard, Ihsahn, Fallujah, Linkin Park, Lamb of God, the list goes on.

Metal Crimes

Rikard Sundén, former member of Sabaton and currently of Civil War, has been charged and convicted in a Swedish court of sexual abuse of...

Around the Interwebs

The heavy remixes sound great.

Record Sales

March was another snazzy month for rock and metal overall. As always, some bands saw some huge gains, while others saw some rather large...

Around the Interwebs

Toyal Willcox made sure to put on her best goth Easter bunny outfit for her latest cover with her husband, King Crimson guitarist Robert Fripp. It...

Shocking Revelations

The topic of "selling out" always seems to come up in hard rock and heavy metal circles, and it's usually the biggest crime a...

Tour Dates

Feature 13 songs, one from each album.


It's Sunday and that means Toyah Willcox and her husband, King Crimson guitarist Robert Fripp, are back with a new cover, this time tackling ZZ...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Memorium, Evanescence, '68, Wheel, and The Drowned God.

Celebrity Metalheads

Cannibal Corpse is a world-renowned band and you just never know where you end up, it could even be the Cher's house! Frontman George...


People hate songs about politics even when they’re by political bands. It’s a strange phenomenon. There’s much confusion about what makes a political band....


 King Crimson guitarist Robert Fripp and his wife, Toyah Willcox are getting into the springtime spirit with their new Sunday Lunch cover video, this time...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Trollfest, Erra, Saxon, Intrøspect, Depth of Hatred, Batushka, and Dvne.