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Search results for "pool"

The Obituarist

Hi kids, do you like violence? Trevor from The Black Dahlia Murder here again with more sick underground offerings to embalm your earholes this...

Song Premiere

It’s Monday and Monday’s suck, so let’s grind it out with a song premiere from Horsebastard.

Weekly Injection

This edition features bands I put no effort into pronouncing correctly, some 000-00000-----0000000, soaring prog and more! To the metals...

Dank Slams

One-man slam superstar, Jason Lambert (aka Putrified J), is having a pool party. Yep. It's already that time of year. You might be asking...


Ex-Mushroomhead vocalist Waylon Reavis' new project...


FFO: Godflesh, Neurosis, Swans...

Tour Dates

To say that 2016 was a good year for fans of technical death metal would be a gross understatement. The truth is, it was...

br00tal Comedy

You remember Louis-Paul Gauvreau, right? He is on Quebec's version of The Voice and advanced from the first round by performing Necrophagist's "Stabwound,"  and then again...

Funeral Doom Friday

Finally, the weekend is upon us. What better way to kick it off than with the latest installment of "Funeral Doom Friday". For those...


FFO: Of Mice & Men, Sworn In, Enter Shikari...


These Massachusetts thrashers are back at it again! Lich King's The Omniclasm makes for a relentless and fun ride.

br00tal Comedy

Steppenwolf's "Born To Wild" is considered one of the first heavy metal songs, perhaps proto-metal, so it makes all the sense that the contest...

Latest News

The first pressing of The Blackening had a piece of lint accidentally scanned into the artwork.

Upcoming Releases

Katatonia, Darkthrone, Enslaved, Alice In Chains, Warbringer, etc.

br00tal Comedy

Is The Voice slowly becoming more metal? A few weeks ago, a contestant on The Voice: Quebec, advanced performing a Necrophagist tune. Today, footage...


The new banger from the Denver thrashers was absolutely worth the wait.

70,000 Tons of Metal

My favorite floating festival, got even better!


Crank up some great metal to celebrate the 31st birthday of Trivium's Matt Heafy.