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Search results for "pool"

Necessary Roughness

This week’s DraftKings fantasy football contest offers $1,250,000 in guaranteed payouts! Here are the details: -$1,250,000 prize pool. – First place wins $100,000 –...

Upcoming Releases

You excited for Halloween? Buckethead sure is!

Necessary Roughness

This week’s DraftKings fantasy football contest offers $1,250,000 in guaranteed payouts! Here are the details: -$1,250,000 prize pool. – Fist place wins $100,000 – FREE for new users or...


Disma frontman Craig Pillard has many ties to Nazism.

Heavy Metal Real Estate

The Megadeth frontman is selling, but are you buying?


For this specific collaboration, members of Mudvayne, Hellyeah, and Skrape unite to test their strengths against the likes of previous major successors like Down...

br00tal Comedy

Today seems to be the day where everybody releases covers and parodies. Sock Puppet Parody is back with a Hamptera's new single "Walk." More...


Spotify has been doing a lot of research lately, and in turn we've been learning a lot about metalhead listening habits. We've learned that...


Summer 2015 is in full effect! For you youngins that means late night adventures and no school. For you respectable adults who spend most...

Latest News

I hope everybody here in the States had a glorious Independence day holiday. I definitely did some maxing and relaxing. I also spent a...


They do Suicidal better that Suicidal does Suicidal!

Latest News

This is getting serious.


Slaves guitarist Alex Lyman claims he was with Radke the day of the alleged incident.


Minnesota metal troupe Obsequiae’s 2011 debut, Suspended in the Brume of Eos, was a gift from the Metal Gods that deftly managed to satisfy...

Heavy Metal Real Estate

And man, does Trent know how to live!


"The singer sounds like he’s sitting on a toilet seat, pushing a big one. I can’t stand it! "

In the News

This mom REALLY takes the "Primus Sucks" catchphrase to heart.

Earnings & Attendance

Who drew more people… Powerman 5000, Gwar or Whitechapel?? The answer may surprise you.

Bummer Alert

Live long and prosper, Leonard!


Well this was unexpected. With narry a feint or dodge that they might be going in any other direction, Black Sheep Wall  begin their latest...