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Search results for "incredible"

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The band went gear shopping, too, so it's going to sound sick.

Mashups & Covers

The evolution of Meshuggah, done flawlessly.

Music Videos

Their first full-length since 2017.

Tour Dates

Nate Bergman and Amigo The Devil are the openers.

Upcoming Releases

Archspire is no stranger to making insane music videos, having already made ones for songs like "Drone Corpse Aviator" and "Golden Mouth Of Ruin."...

This Is Just A Tribute

Bob was also responsible for getting Marty Friedman into Megadeth.

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"Is the art that you're making going to stand the test of time through each platform?"


Featuring Mr. Bungle, Ghost, Devin Townsend, Deicide, and more!

Shocking Revelations

"It looked and sounded like total shit."

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Never ask a robot for it's opinion, unless you want to be out of a job.

Upcoming Releases

"I am a fortunate woman who got to make an album I never knew I could make."