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Matching Tags: Cynic


The metal community, specifically the online metal community, can be an especially harsh place for homosexuals, who, at any given moment, have to stomach...


Crossover thrash supergroup Iron Reagan strip away the sanctimoniousness of socially conscious extreme music and replace it with vaguely political anger that almost any...

Undergound Buzz

I'd be willing to bet that Sacramento, California is never, ever considered to be a hotbed for up-and-coming bands. The truth is that it...


When you’re dealing with a band that’s basically as untouchable as Cannibal Corpse, the fanbase already knows what they’re getting into. And in this...


Where certain oft-criticized bands that changed their sound drastically long ago continue to exercise the fruits of that early fan betrayal on album after...


Oh, hey old school Cynic progginess. What's up?

Latest News

Who does Corey Taylor challenge to ice themselves?


One thing we know for sure, Joey didn't kill JFK!

Shocking Revelations

They were young and just trying to have a laugh.

Earnings & Attendance

How much money does a band make on the road? Billboard hopes to answer that question, somewhat, by providing gross sale reports in their...

Shocking Revelations

Halford is nothing but a class act as far as we're concerned.

It's Just Business

Brooklyn's Unlocking the Truth just got signed to a major label, but don't call them rich yet.


We're halfway through 2014 already and it's been pretty crazy in terms of good releases so far. Here's some of our favorites!


Emerging out of the rough-edged husk of lineup changes and label unrest - including a six year gap (2003-2009) between releases - is a...


if Cynic were much heavier, had a keyboardist and were joined by Athiest and Watchtower, then you'd have Serdce.

Latest News

The metal community is killing it this week!


It all started with a comment about headless guitars.

RIP a Livecast

There was a lot to catch up on for this edition of the Livecast. After a one week hiatus, Rob, Noa, 3D and Sid...


For the past 10 years, Metal Injection has provided its readers with the highest quality metal content on the internet. As the site's readership...

Latest News

We won't be holding our breath.

Upcoming Releases

The album will finally be released in April.