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Weekly Injection

Kind of a ho-hum week… a few notable releases but mostly crate digging. Next week is the fucking jam, though, so don't get too...

Latest News

Yesterday, we learned that Death The All, the Chuck Shuldiner/Death tribute project featuring former members of the band would be returning in 2013 for...

Music Videos

This title come from the 'Human' album (1991). Line up for this video and era consists of: Chuck Schuldiner: Guitars, Vocals Steve DiGiorgio: Bass...

Around the Interwebs

Yesterday we brought you news concerning the departure of long time drummer Lyle Cooper from The Faceless. Today we present you with a new...

Tour Dates

Seeing the Death To All tribute show last year at the New York City stop was one of the best concerts of the year,...


Well, it's that time of year again, and as a student I can say that the month of December is nothing short of hell...

Upcoming Releases

Not to be outdone, two former members of Cynic are also working on new music. Exivious have posted an update on their Facebook page...


It's a retro world. That's not a value judgment, just a statement of fact. Some lament this fact as if its a permanent turn...


I've always found the practice of naming such a strange and fascinating concept. Today more than ever we put such a huge importance on...


There is way too much music I want to write about, so it's time for your pre-weeked A/V Roundup. We've got a peek at...


Ever since Peter Dolving quit The Haunted a few months ago, both he and the remaining band members have kept quiet on his departure....


In 2012, just about every new metal band clearly wants to prove to listeners that they know how to shred, blast, and groove simultaneously....

Upcoming Releases

Solid releases all around this week, so let's get right into it: we'll take a look at highly anticipated albums from Baroness and The...


The all-star Death tribute tour, Death To All kicked off this past weekend in San Francisco, and it's lookin' pretty good so far. To...

Bummer Alert

Injuries happen, and it always seems like the worst time. Sean Reinert, who drummed on Death's influential Human album, has ruptured his achilles tendon...


Epic. Masterpiece. Mind-blowing. Superlative, superlative, superlative. It's hard to hide my excitement here; Portal Of I, down to its final note, is the perfect...

Upcoming Releases

A glance at this weeks release schedule will immediately reveal two things; a lack of major releases, and an absurd amount of releases you've...


Over the last decade Pelican have increasingly positioned themselves at the clean, accessible end of the post-metal spectrum, their spare, uncluttered sonority more of...


Five years is certainly a long time to wait in-between album releases, but when your material is as daunting, dense and brutal as Spawn...


Final installment, y'all. If you don't already have an app to get your shit together you can find one here. You'll want to utilize...


I'm about a week away from heading to Austin, TX for South By Southwest and damn it, I WISH IT WAS HERE ALREADY! I'm...

Injection Reflection

This was a fun week in metal… we laughed, we cried, we watched Dave Mustaine further and further alienate his entire fanbase. Pretty much...


Things are heating up with this Black Sabbath drama. To quickly recap, drummer Bill Ward released a public statement saying he could not commit...