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Search results for "DRUMMER"

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Somewhere in Pennsylvania or New York.


Sólstafir brings its massive arrangements and rustic grit to notably accessible territory, rounded off by some callbacks to a savage past.

Metal In The Mainstream

The guitarist said he was not contacted about the use of his solo.

Upcoming Releases

"Like, I wrote a song and some other riffs, 'cause I play guitar too."

New Music

The songs came about because of a group text started by drummer John Dolmayan.

Upcoming Releases

"We have, like, 30 songs demoed, and we need to pare it down to about 12."


System of A Down made waves on Friday by releasing their first new music in fifteen years, to support the Armenia Fund, and raise awareness...


Nine Inch Nails were officially inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame last night, during a virtual ceremony.  They joined a class that...


Emma Ruth Rundle & Thou bring the best out of each other, with plenty of sonic staples for fans of both artists to chew...

Live Footage

The footage comes from the Montréal Jazz Fest 2019 and the audio is from the Québec City Summer Fest 2019.

New Music

The band came together for the first time in 15 years, to raise awareness for what's going on in Artsakh.


"So, there has been some chatter, and there's no specific timetable for anything or no specific plans, but it's a possibility down the road."

New Music

It's guitarist Calle-Magnus Thomér and drummer Buster Odeholm.

Full Album Stream

We've been given the privilege to stream the record in full in all its blackened death metal glory.


The Botanist would have a field day in my neighbourhood! Head tree hugger, Roberto “Otrebor” Martinelli has previously stated that when the time comes...

New Music

Released in preparation for the reissue of 2018's Haunt LP, "Red Harvest" is a delicious slice of occult intensity.

Latest News

If you're in the mood for some serious death metal, Grand Cadaver has you covered. The band is now streaming their filthy new single...


Within the walls of the Stewart-Panko abode, mentioning the name Wombripper will elicit wildly differing reactions. My long-suffering wife works as a midwife, childbirth...


The infamous story is recalled.