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Search results for "Hard"


A handful of axes whose reputations precede them.

Live Footage

It's almost like you're there! Without the moshing and being really hot.

It's Just Business

Hardwired To Self-Destruct sold a friggin' of copies. See who else made the cut

Mashups & Covers

It's like music in a horror flick right before everything gets really terrible.


Lionheart is celebrating the release of their new album, Welcome To The West Coast II, today and to celebrate we asked Lionheart vocalist Rob Watson to...


"We hung out in the Lower East Side when it was the most dangerous time, ever … shootings, muggings, gangs all around us. That...

Music Videos

Liverpool-based hardcore newbies, God Complex, are on a mission to kick your ass, and judging by the release we have today, they're on a...

Music Videos

Boston, MA-based Actor/Observer are a promising young post-hardcore band with peaks and valleys for days. With a quick listen to their track, "Northern Skin",...

Latest News

It'll be called Formative Oddities, and they're gonna work on it in 2018.

Core Breakdown

Here is some brand new hardcore from Tokyo's very own Kruelty

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Ledge is a bone crusher of a band. Get in here for a Metal Injection premier of his new video!

New Music

The vintage rage of hardcore punk and old school death metal lives on through Pennsylvania's Nightfear.

New Music

Pretty sure every single thing in this song was run through a distortion pedal.

Full Album Stream

Something wicked this way comes, Chicago's wonderfully twisted crusty blackened hardcore crew Moral Void are here to ruin your life.

Song Premiere

Metalcore is back in a big way, and that is not necessarily a bad thing. You can say what you want about the resurgence...

New Music

Heavy, plenty of guitar harmonies, and a touch of punk. You can't go wrong!

Core Breakdown

Canada's very own Get The Shot deliver savage melodies and a crushing weight in these two new tracks.