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RIP a Livecast

We had a special guest this episode – Ethan Fixell, US Director of Kerrang! magazine. Ethan fit right in with the conversation. We discuss hard...

Music Videos

Though they certainly make you think that.

It's Just Business

NYC councilman Justin Brannan has had enough.

New Music

BFMY are letting go of their old metalcore sound.


Of course, Misfits win New Jersey.

Music Videos

Can you say mosh riffs? While getting punched in the face forever?

Show Recap

This guest editorial was written by photographer Jose Pimienta I just finished recovering from the long but thrilling weekend of metal right here in...


Originally Eddie Cochran, but Blue Cheer certainly popularized the song to rock and metal fans.

Latest News

Featuring E Town Concrete, Sick Of It All, Incendiary, Rotting Out, Eighteen Visions, and a ton more.

New Music

Less psychedelic Pink Floyd, way more hard rock.

Song Premiere

If you're in the market for a brand new chaotic mathcore band that is equal parts ferocity and equations, then look no further than...

Upcoming Releases

"Now I think maybe [we'll be] returning a little bit more to the roots, and that probably involves a little bit of a harder...

This Is Just A Tribute

Caleb meant a lot to many in the community

Record Sales

Metallica get a nice bump thanks to copies of Hardwired…To Self-Destruct being offered with new tour tickets.

Music Videos

Skindred's first album in three years might not be the reggae-heavy metal-fest that you were expecting, though it does seem like it'll still be...