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Search results for "Hard"

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"Even Slayer. They weren't that buzzsaw guitar back in the day. All those bands. Biohazard. I mean, all those bands — they were hard...

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"It's expensive to be in a rock band. It's very expensive to be in a rock band."

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"Even though I have a gigantic history in Slayer, starting over, you're still starting over."

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Plus 100 Demons, 7 Seconds, Negative Approach, Brat, and way more!


"Their work with Dis Fig shows their innate ability to create beauty from ugliness, and how easily they can transcend metal and plant their...

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Plus Suicidal Tendencies, Machine Head, Converge, Band, As I Lay Dying, and more!

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"Can we put it towards the front of the set please?"

Breakups & Shakeups

You ever secretly give someone estrogen so they look less manly and then you can steal their partner?

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Featuring some stuff you know, some you don't.

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"It is by far the most difficult album I've ever worked on for various reasons."

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They're in a bit of a bind, and we don't wanna see them go under.