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Search results for "Hard"

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We've been waiting eight years for new Rammstein, and it's almost here!

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Killswitch Engage frontman engages his killswitch on metal for a second.

Record Sales

Metallica have the #2 album in the country, 15 weeks after it was released. Impressive.

Latest News

"A lot of people would like to just hate me blatantly and I want to tell them that’s okay too, it’s okay to feel...

Tour Dates

Testament, Sepultura, Prong, Katatonia, Sabaton, and a ton more are playing!


Howdy, zombies! Trevor from The Black Dahlia Murder here with another raging edition of The Obituarist, chock full of extreme goodness for your blood-starved...


Richard Spencer is the self-proclaimed leader/inventor of the "alt-right" movement, a fancy new rebranding of white nationalists, which again is a fancy way of...

Music Videos

The new track from Iron Reagan is a ripper, and the band is gearing up to release their new album, Crossover Ministry, which comes out February...

Around the Interwebs

Our favorite story involving a hardcore band of 2016 is the tale of 25 Ta Life playing a gig without a drummer and failing...


Close out 2016 with a little moshing!


If the rest of the album sounds as good as this, we'll definitely be paying attention.

Fuck Yes!

Cocaine and quaaludes were also involved.

Tour Dates

Man, today seems to be the day all these festivals are announcing their lineups, so the New England Metal and Hardcore Festival have decided...

Full Album Stream

The SLC-based quintet recalls the self-empowering hardcore of the late 90's and early 2000's.


War Gods of the Deep is not looking to reinvent the wheel, instead they pay tribute to a golden-era of hard rock and proto-metal...

Record Sales

Metallica pushed a lot of units.