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Bummer Alert

The two were very close despite not seeing each other much in the years before Cornell's death.


The infamous story is recalled.

Metal Crimes

Do the black metal crime, do the time.

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...

It's Just Business

"Instead, labels or rights holders agree to be paid a promotional recording royalty rate for streams in personalized listening sessions where we provided this...

Metal Crimes

Ex-Slipknot percussionist Chris Fehn's ongoing legal matter with his former band is officially over. The suit has been dropped, but for us fans, we'll...

Latest News

Convulse is back with their first studio record in a quarter-century. Feel old yet? In case you need a refresher in heavy metal history,...


Icelandic black metal with a sense of bombast? That's right - read on!

New Music

David Lee Roth released a new track earlier this week, and he says it's an homage to his late bandmate, Eddie Van Halen. Van...


There are definitely still very much hard feelings amongst Fear Factory's founding members, especially lone remaining member Dino Cazares and recently departed frontman Burton...


Carrying the torch lit by his socially conscious post-hardcore band Letlive since its dissolution in 2017, vocalist and lyricist, Jason Aalon Butler, has taken...

Music Videos

"It's more fitting really, as this track is about the unsustainable lifestyle of someone getting wrecked every night."

Upcoming Releases

"I’m not gonna speak on behalf of the other guys, but to me, it feels like this could be a very collaborative [writing process]."

Music Videos

"'Shibboleth' is our explicit denunciation of the true forces of evil."

Upcoming Releases

"So, we’re just sitting on it, but we’re not going to do anything with it until we can tour again, because it deserves."

Around the Interwebs

Not even a pandemic can stop metlaheads from dressing up for Halloween.

Around the Interwebs

I don't know how animator Roxxy Roxx pulled this off, but he somehow managed to get some voice acting from some big names in...