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Search results for "THE"


Emma Ruth Rundle & Thou bring the best out of each other, with plenty of sonic staples for fans of both artists to chew...


Moments ago, all major U.S. media networks called the state of Pennsylvania for Joe Biden, thus pushing him over the 270 electorate finish line,...

Shocking Revelations

"All the bass parts are me playing on the mini — it’s Moog bass on the whole album."


Every once in awhile, you find an album that is simply a masterpiece. Maybe it is a unique debut that a band could never...

Latest News

With Covid-19 still active across the globe, the metal community is sincerely missing their live shows and festivals. Luckily, many bands are getting creative...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to JVK, who had the best zinger: "My grandma won best prize for her David Lee Roth...

Funeral Doom Friday

A calm autumn chill has finally rolled across my tiny part of the globe. Skeletal trees have shed their summer foliage. Like damned souls...

Metal Crimes

"Totaling close to $95,000 in guitars, we feel this person/s knew exactly what to look for and when."

Music Videos

"We actually wanted to film this on Sunset Boulevard in L.A., where most of the pathetic subjects of this song have their residence."

Live Footage

The footage comes from the Montréal Jazz Fest 2019 and the audio is from the Québec City Summer Fest 2019.

New Music

The band came together for the first time in 15 years, to raise awareness for what's going on in Artsakh.


As the U.S. election is dominating the news cycle, and there isn't too much happening in the metal sphere, metal musicians have been opining...

New Music

Slash has released a new cover, “(Where Do I Begin?) Love Story,” the theme from the 1970 movie Love Story. The track was recorded in...

Fuck Yes!

“Riley once said that it’s something as simple as a comic book that could potentially change the world."

Latest News

"They're not interested. Who knows, maybe they'll read this and call me."