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"So, there has been some chatter, and there's no specific timetable for anything or no specific plans, but it's a possibility down the road."

New Music

It's guitarist Calle-Magnus Thomér and drummer Buster Odeholm.

Music Videos

"It's still pretty incredible that 4 Ukrainians travelled 14,770 km just to sing in their native language."

Music Videos

"It was an extremely fun, rewarding and explorative process."

Gear Gods

Plus more really good background music.

Full Album Stream

We've been given the privilege to stream the record in full in all its blackened death metal glory.

Metal In The Mainstream

It'll be the band's first appearance on the show since 2017.

Latest News

"We sincerely hope you can all join us in a brief respite from these dark days!"

It's Just Business

In August, we reported of a German study where 1,500 people gathered in the city of Leipzig for a live performance from singer-songwriter Tim...

Shocking Revelations

"You play what you feel is right. But just don't wear shorts on stage."

Latest News

That or Slipknot just really loves those three countries and wanted to say hi.

Extreme of the Extreme

It's time for some good old fashioned death metal. Winter Nights are ready to unveil their latest single and lyric video for the final...

New Music

Hate Eternal are extremely good at what they do.


"We tried something and it failed. Sorry and thank you."


Within the walls of the Stewart-Panko abode, mentioning the name Wombripper will elicit wildly differing reactions. My long-suffering wife works as a midwife, childbirth...

Music Videos

There is no other way to describe this band other than "Tolkien Metal." This is metal fit for dwarves, elves and invading Mordor. They...

RIP a Livecast

On this election night edition, we are joined by the queen of shred herself, Mrs. Smith for the episode. Mrs. Smith updates us on...

Around the Interwebs

Babies are pretty metal.