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Bummer Alert

"We did this for a noble reason, and we did this for the right reasons. We didn't make any money off this."

Metal In The Mainstream

"Oh my god! Shout out to everybody else that got their fuckin’ face melted a second ago!"

New Music

The song is a tribute to his father, the great Eddie Van Halen.

Live Footage

Yesterday (Nov. 14), Metallica performed Live & Acoustic From HQ: Helping Hands Concert & Auction from their very own headquarters in San Rafael, CA. The band...

Shocking Revelations

He's sorry if anybody was offended by his words, says it's all love.

Live Footage

One of the headliners of the first night of the Adult Swim Festival was Georgia's own Mastodon. The rockers played a 25 minute set...

New Music

"We had some extra time in the studio, and we wanted to do something people weren’t expecting at all."

Live Footage

Adult Swim Festival kicked off yesterday, November 13th and Blood Incantation were one of the openers. Naturally, they crushed it with their mesmerizing blend...


Doomy death metal has a history and pedigree that spans from the rich and vibrant on one end to the so-boring-it-might-as-well-be-clinically-dead on the other....

Funeral Doom Friday

The word geeks among us will remember learning the word “triskaidekaphobia.” Fear of the number 13. Those of you old enough to remember the...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Sanctus Ira, who had the best zinger: "Roid Rage Against the Machine" Now for this week's...

New Music

Another track from Deftones' White Pony remix album, Black Stallion, has surfaced, and this one was produced by Linkin Park's Mike Shinoda. Much like...

New Music

The faces might not look familiar but you may have heard of some of their dads.

Music Videos

Classical, creepy, and blackened. Just how everyone wants it.

Music Videos

Katatonia is still so good live.

Music Videos

"It was great to get together with the band after so many months apart."

Music Videos

Black Veil Brides are gearing up to release The Phantom Tomorrow in 2021, and wanted to give fans a little sneak peak of what...

Music Videos

There are a lot of "whoa" parts in here.