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Latest News

Abysmal Dawn has been around since '03 and is working on its fifth album.

Breakups & Shakeups

Seriously, you can apply to be Allegaeon's new bassist.


There's no single song here capable of making one singlehandedly forget Underground Resistance or Circle the Wagons, but as a whole you'll probably find...

Around the Interwebs

Cop by day, backup guitarist for The Offspring by night?

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Priapus. Alright, personally speaking, this Monday is great because I’m on vacation, and...

Tour Dates

The black metal classic will be played in full!


While They Were Sleeping is a strong return statement by a band that has overcome adversity, of both the personal and professional varieties, and...


Anciients is a sleeping giant, and their latest album sees this British Columbia-based quartet continuing to refine their craft and inching ever-closer to becoming...

Full Album Stream

The one-man, Canadian black metal outfit that triumphs anxiety through melodic atmosphere.


The worst kept secret in rock has finally been confirmed. Danny Worsnop and Asking Alexandria have "rekindled their relationship"

Funeral Doom Friday

It’s the weekend! What better way to get it started than with the latest installment of “Funeral Doom Friday”. This weekly column looks to...


With Crowbar being part of the great foundation that makes sludge metal, The Serpent Only Lies encompasses so much of the sound we love...


As I Lay Dying ex-members are back for their second crack

Show Recap

The following words and photos were submitted by Walter Navarro Peremarti At this point you should already know Wormrot are back in town and they...

Around the Interwebs

He also tells a hilarious Hulk Hogan anecdote.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes some doom, some madness, some nostalgia, and more. To the metals...

Dank Slams

See, there is this guy we know. This dude… man… he knows his shit! Having literally helped in the forging of alien/space-drenched slam (with...


Love them or hate them, Korn has made a mark and proven their worth to stay in the game.