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The album will finally be released in April.

Music Videos

Týr's video "The Lay of Our Love" from the album "Valkyrja" Featuring guest vocals from Leaves’ Eyes vocalist Liv Kristine. Catch Tyr on tour with...

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It's going to have a children's choir on it too, so basically extra nightmare fuel.

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Hey, at least this one has a happy ending.


Everyone, including myself, seemed pretty excited about the upcoming Marty Friedman (ex-Megadeth) instru-metal record Inferno out this spring via Prosthetic Records. The record is...

Upcoming Releases

Scar Symmetry are about to get all types of sci-fi up in your ears over the next three records!

Time & Space, Bro

Introducing our new column from Necrogoblikon's frontman Scorpion

Best of 2013

It's been a crazy year for metal, but rather than the usual break-up drama, this year was filled with arrests, drug busts and some...

Around the Interwebs

A few days ago, former Lostprophets frontman Ian Watkins was sentenced to 35 years in prison for sexually abusing infant children. When asked by...

Shocking Revelations

Vocalist of the now-defunct-since-he-is-a-baby-rapist band Lost Prophets was sentenced to 35 years in prison today for the attempted rape of a baby.

Mustaine Mania

Megadeth appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night, and took part in a sketch showcasing what a Megadeth Christmas album would sound like.

Best of 2013

We asked our videographer Frank Huang to let us know what were his favorite shows to shoot live. You can watch all of Frank's...

Upcoming Releases

Being an avid metal head for over 25 years that runs a company called Metal Injection means I get asked about metal bands on...

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The current court hearings against Lostprophets' former frontman Ian Watkins has been disgustingly abhorrent to say the least (read up on it here and here if...

Shocking Revelations

How weird must it be to be a friend of Lostprophets vocalist Ian Watkins? You think you know somebody and then they admit to...


Wow, as if this story could not get any weirder, keep on reading. Update: New details at the bottom of the post. Former Lostprophets vocalist Ian...

Tim Lambesis Trial

Now, it's on! Besides the impending case against As I Lay Dying frontman, his wife has just filed a huge civil lawsuit to the...


For all the shit Metal Injection junkies give to Metallica in our comments section, you have to hand it to the dudes. They try...


This past weekend, if you were in LA, the place to be was Bass Player Live!, a show celebrating the low-end musicians of hard...

Upcoming Releases

The last thing we heard from Cynic was that they were mixing their new album in May and wanted to release it this fall....