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If anything proves Rolling Stone's irrelevancy to music nowadays, it's their just-released readers poll of the greatest heavy metal albums of all time. Spoiler...

Upcoming Releases

Well, we took a week off here at The Weekly Injection, (and by that I mean, I took a week off, and only the...

Bummer Alert

Another one bites the dust. Earlier today, MetalSucks reported about a rumor that there would be an announcement tomorrow regarding Hydra Head Records officially...


I don't think it was necessarily a surprise when Testament knocked it out of the park with 2008's The Formation of Damnation. Fans may...

Show Recap

In the searing heat of English summer approximately 15,000 people flooded a tiny patch of field to wreak chaos, drink too much beer and...

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Stone Sour initially to me, seemed like Slipknot–lite, but in the last few years, they've really made their own mark on the world. I...


On this week's edition of The FiX, I briefly talk about one of my favorite records of 2012, Exotic Animal Petting Zoo's Tree of...

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Today is the big day! After not just one, but two denials of bail by the prosecution, Randy Blythe was released today. After a...


It's a long journey from paying tribute to being tribute-worthy oneself. It's a common pitfall among many artists: hamstringing themselves with their own sense...

Upcoming Releases

There are no new releases this week! Just kidding. But really, there are only, like, four. And that's no kidding. Lucky for us, these...


In 2012, just about every new metal band clearly wants to prove to listeners that they know how to shred, blast, and groove simultaneously....

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It's been a few days since we've heard anything on the Randy Blythe detainment in the Czech Republic. The Lamb of God frontman has...

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Holy shit, the rumors are true! We were speculating that we would hear new Pig Destroyer music in 2012 on the simple fact that...

Upcoming Releases

Not a huge week for metal, but certainly an interesting one. So come in, stay awhile, watch as I contemplate the "Roadrunner Effect" on...


Sometimes metal makes you do some crazy shit. At Ptahil's recent gig in Fort Wayne, Indiana, one of the black metal band's fans decided...

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It's a huge week for metal, so I'll spare you the cute introduction and get right to it. Without further ado, let's take a...

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The Locust fucking get it. They always got it. They are, in my humble opinion, very underrated. Their use of synth creating new types...


Finally: a Fear Factory record that can be regarded without the context of high drama hanging over its release. Burton C. Bell and Dino...


Epic. Masterpiece. Mind-blowing. Superlative, superlative, superlative. It's hard to hide my excitement here; Portal Of I, down to its final note, is the perfect...

Tour Dates

Over the weekend, SlipknotĀ teased a major announcement this morning with the accompanying graphic of a carival with Slipknot flags all over it. Today, they...


Shadows Fall has made its name as one of the most influential and popular metal bands of the last ten years. Despite this fact,...

It's Just Business

One of the most visited posts on the site is something I posted almost two years ago titled "It Seems Bands Don't Make Money...

Upcoming Releases

GWAR have just completed a massive amount of touring, as documented by our "Eye of Oderus" video series, all in tribute to their fallen...