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Black Metal History

Almost any discussion about black metal invariably starts by referencing bands from the second wave of the sub-genre like Mayhem, Darkthrone, Burzum, and Immortal. It's not surprising since...

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France's Insain first burst onto the metal scene in 2010 with an impressive slab of brutal death metal called Spiritual Rebirth. Unfortunately, after the album was released...

Black Metal History

The one sub-genre of music most closely associated with hatred, chaos, misanthropy, individualism, and a lack of rules has come to be known as...


If you've been on the internet the last few days, you've heard about the "controversy" that Flea was caught with his bass completely unplugged...


To recap on the topic of a new Obituary record, the band took to Kickstarter and were asking for $10,000 to get the next...


Blackened death metal. Lvcifyre's style is by now an old, well-established form of extreme music with its own tropes and series of listener expectations....


Fans of early Napalm Death are going to want to listen up.

Around the Interwebs

From what I can gather now that my mind has been sufficiently exploded by the sheer amazement that this is a serious project that...


I'm going to try to be as respectful as possible with this post so bear with me. At the beginning of the year, For...

Best of 2013

Here we are again; the end of another year in metal. And here I am again, trying to put together a list of the...

Around the Interwebs

The interesting folks over at Société Perrier picked up twenty four separate band members from various well-known metal groups and asked them the one burning...

Live Footage

Let's face it- everyone loves them some Steel Panther. How can you not? They're everything catchy about the power and hair metal of yesteryear...

Best of 2013

As 2013 wanes into the cold beginnings of 2014, it's time to look back on the records that shaped the past year in extreme...


The last two months of the year are usually pretty sparse when it comes to the amount and quality of heavy metal releases. One...

Latest News

Back in August, Protest the Hero announced a tour with Architects and The Kindred for this November and December. With the tour's ending date...


We've been following the shocking Tim Lambesis trial since its inception in the spring when Lambesis was caught (allegedly) attempting to hire a hitman to...

Around the Interwebs

Meet Lachlan Connors. Lachlan liked to play lacrosse in sixth grade, and accidently hit his head on the ground one day suffering a concussion. After...


It's not too often you get to meet your musical heroes, let alone sit down and talk to them for a pretty extensive amount...

Music Videos

I actually had to look up the audio version of this song because I couldn't believe the production was that bad, but it is....

Weekly Injection

I feel like Andy Rooney or Peter Griffin every time I write one of these intros. I sometimes want so bad to just start...