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The Body's I Have Fought Against It, But I Can’t Any Longer, is a theatrical exploration of pain, depression, and darkness. Its atmospheric approach...

Breakups & Shakeups

Babymetal is going through some changes?

Shocking Revelations

He couldn't deny the raw power of "Angel of Death."

Song Premiere

Hey there tech fiends, it's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual reminder that if you're...

Tour Dates

Varied. That's one way to describe the lineup for the 2018 Rock Allegiance festival. The event takes place Saturday, October 6th  at BB&T Pavilion...

Upcoming Releases

"This time around, there's going to more dynamics, while pushing our 'wall of sound' nature much further."


At The Gates newest album, To Drink From The Night Itself, is an outstanding achievement of art

Fuck Yes!

"After 5 days of complete silence, it’s day one of voice rebuilding."


"Sometimes we feel like we’d fit better at like alternative rock festivals."

Show Recap

This guest editorial was written by photographer Jose Pimienta I just finished recovering from the long but thrilling weekend of metal right here in...


Israeli blackened death metal frontman Moti "Butchered" Daniel talks about the Arallu's latest LP and more...


Never has a form of music united (and divided) people such as black metal. Never has a form of music tapped into the deepest,...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes Star Wars metal, and some other shit you'll probably rather I focus on, but why? To the metals...

Upcoming Releases

The preview will leave you with some blue balls.

Shocking Revelations

"Creatively, the older we get, the more stuff we're gonna do. We're always going to be a heavy band."


There is something to be said for experience and longevity. If you, as a death metal musician, have survived decades upon decades in this...


Today, we are looking at New York-based Death Metal trio, Aeviterne. Recently the band popped up to show off their brand of technical death...

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off talking about the recent geo-political events in pro wrestling. We then discuss Mike Francesa's return to the radio airwaves, Kerry...


Sludge metal is a genre that is, to say the least, overplayed. It's a genre that many might justifiably argue has been played out...


Australia's Depravity prides themselves on crafting well-produced, controlled chaos on their debut album, "Evil Upheaval."


This is an amazing edition of Squared Circle Pit as we have guitarist Nita Strauss on the show to discuss her incredible performance at...

New Music

Recorded before ABBA decided to reunite all of a sudden.